Tuesday, January 27, 2009

JANUARY 23 24 25

Saturday school—before school I met with Ross Byars—and told him that I would like to look at the apartment in the same building with Darrell and Eula (resident minister/missionary?) who live at the end of our street…street is used loosely! A young couple just left to go back to the states—so it was empty.
He told me I had to have a picture by Monday for my Visa…and that it had to be made here by some place that does Israeli passport pictures…now how was I going to do that? I asked where the nearest Walgreen’s was…he sorta looked funny…but didn’t laugh. Sure enough, Adam and Bethany took me after school to the little Arab photo place—very nice people and I got 6 little photos! The problem is that Arab stores close on Friday, and Jewish stores start closing early on Friday and are closed all day on Saturday…so I have no idea what is what and when the stores are opened…thank the Lord for Adam and Bethany!
Wilma had sent an invitation to all the ladies in the school to attend a Bible Study on Sat from 1-2—after school. She is going to show Beth Moore’s LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF. It is the same one I had just done with the ladies at Debbie Miller’s house…so we had our first meeting Sat. and had about 10 ladies…only 3 of us have ever seen a BMoore, so it will be good. They all loved her…a couple of Arabic ladies…I sorta think they are Muslim…but I may be wrong…came. I just sat there looking around the room—sparse and plain and we were sitting on white plastic patio chairs—and thinking about how Beth Moore is just all around the world, and everyone loves her. I know people tell her that all the time, but I just know she would have loved seeing all of us in that room trying to do that sign language trick with all the fruits…we were funny! I am so amazed that I am in on this…but not to worry, the refreshments were something else…some kind of pastry goodie tray—Arabic…and everything on it was good! I know because I had one of each!
After Bible Study, Wilma (lives across the hall—and I really really like her…she is 59, so cute and fun…and her testimony is just so amazing), Mary (one of my 3 roommates) and I sat and talked about the apartment…I hadn’t said anything about moving, so we all talked about the issues and possible solutions.
We had church Saturday night…at Dr. Theo and Marge’s house…where we have had each service since I’ve been here…just gathered in a circle in the living room…Eric leads in the worship service—we sing along…then Ross taught. He was so very good—reminds me of Jack Park a lot. He taught an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount…and then he is going to continue to teach those chapters in Matthew. I really really enjoyed that…then afterwards, Dr. Theo and Ross put together my Visa application…someone had told me I didn’t have to bring my Passport, etc. to church…so Ross made very clear to EVERYONE…go nowhere without the Passport…he said they may decide to haul you in, etc…so Wilma walked with me back to the apt. and we got that Passport! I will have it with me when I walk out the door! Another young man who is new was getting his Visa stuff too. His name is Garrett—he is mid-20’s…his mother is teaching at the Bethlehem School…and he and his brother came to visit for Christmas. He decided to stay and teach over there—told me a bit of his story—degree from a school in New York—Manhatten I think…in business, I think…he is cute and personable…just amazing to me…these young people and their desire to serve the Lord in this place.
We had a really good fellowship afterwards—laughing and drinking tea and enjoying everyone…some of the younger ones played Wii…it was nice. It just reminded me of the early church…that is how it was done…a group…then invite someone else, and then it just grows…of course, these are all connected to Jerusalem School or Bethlehem School…it’s just that everyone seems so focused and genuine in their desire to really serve and love the Lord… absolutely no other reason to be here…this is not some fancy-dancy thing to do. Denomination has not been mentioned—other than I know that Ross is an upper level person in the Assembly of God in Europe—but I don’t know about anyone else. It just doesn’t seem important…praying with any of them is easy, saying I am seeking the Lord is just what we all say—and we share prayer needs at Bible Study and at church. Darrell is a retired pastor from Spring, TX…and he is the one who starts the services, leads in prayer, etc…just the sweetest man. He and his wife Eula live down from us—and they help at the school. Darrell is part of the “maintenance crew—a man named Mike, who has been there a long time and is “paid”…and his wife Tess teaches in the kindergarten (aid, I think)…they are Muslim…and then Mr. Jameel (? I think…can’t remember his name) anyway, he just volunteers—just wants to help because he likes the school…his son is also a student there…also Muslim. So Darrell works with them…
I went by to look at the apt. after getting the VISA pic…it is super nice, all furnished and very clean…one bedroom, a bathroom with hot water (! What a treat!)—just nice…I walked around and prayed. If it had been available when I first came, I would be in it. But I decided by Sunday night that I needed to stay in my room…I have much to learn about dealing with interpersonal relationships! So I believe God is giving me this opportunity to mature in that area—MORE MATURE AT 65!!! What is wrong with me???
Went to bed Sat. night so excited about the big excursion on Sunday…

JANUARY 25, 2009
We (Adam—young teacher who has been super nice to me…and Bethany—beautiful young teacher who taught last year in Russia—and has led several tours of young people to Israel…her sister and husband live in Jerusalem-he attends Hebrew University—getting a Master’s –AND Mary my roommate…who has been here 2 years & just was in Tiberias during the holidays) left the apartment about 8:30—after having to go back in several times because of forgotten items: my camera, etc! We drove out of Jerusalem toward Tiberias…desert country, camels, donkeys, bedoin camps…that are actually Arab villages—just sorta look like what homeless people throw together in the cities. Except these are on isolated hillsides by the highway…seeing little children out there and life going on was sad to me…But there are many of those places.
The country was desert hills…barren but every so often a patch of green…isn’t that amazing…and then the mountains with a bit of green at the top. We saw herds and herds of sheep—and yep, they all had shepherds with them. But they were wearing jeans and sweatshirts—with those wraps on their heads. And then more camels…scrawny and ugly.
I just kept wondering if Jesus walked over those hills…he traveled from Galilee to Jerusalem…and to Bethany, etc…just amazing place to me.
We stopped at a place that was sorta (not really, but sorta) like Buckee’s…they had stuff and more stuff…and fresh fruit and clean rrooms…so we got tangerines and peanuts and headed on.
We were traveling this whole time in the West Bank…and Jordan was just to our right over the hills, etc…a good distance, but you can see it…especially at night we could see all the lights coming home. There are THREE heavy duty fences with electric boxes, etc. on them running beside the highway—the message is clear: do not come in here! When we got to the checkpoint, we were not just ushered through like most people are. For some reason, we were pulled over…had to get out of the car and go in a building…go through a security screening just like at the airport…and they went over that car thoroughly…and with a dog…looked just like Nick…fierce and all business. We waited and finally got our stuff and headed out…I think they were just bored…almost no traffic and a beautiful day!
We stopped at a building that had a McDonald’s sign on it…but I couldn’t see anything about McD’s…sure enough, after going through security…to enter ANY kind of public building, you have to give them your stuff—purse, etc. and they go through it…we went in and just used the rroom…not in McD’s…
Then we arrived at Tiberias—there is a Holiday Inn, Sheraton, etc…all these hotels in this really nice city…we stopped for coffee at the Aroma’s on the way home…nice place to stay—reminded me a bit of Haifa. I think it took us almost 2 hours…don’t know as the drive was so super interesting.
I kept seeing these splotches that I thought were water…but they were rows and rows of plants—maybe food (?) about 2 feet (?) tall that were covered row by row with plastic covering like a green house effect…and on the way back, we saw several fields with rows of lights on…strange…also they had huge acres of land that had big plants—like banana trees—covered like big greenhouses at plant places.
Then to Yardenit—the River Jordan place where you can be baptized in the river. It was so beautiful…I took a picture, but really the beauty is in the smell and quietness and peace of the place. There were no tour buses—we were almost the only people there…it was that way all day everywhere we went…a perfect day and wonderful weather.
It was such a congenial group—they were sitting across the way on some steps—and I was by myself down by the water. A huge fish came floating by…and I thought NO WAY am I getting in that water. I know that may disappoint some of you for not wanting to be baptized in the river where Jesus was—but I couldn’t do that. They saw me over there putting my hand in the water—but I was only doing that because I had swiped the bird poo on the handrail going down to the water. Spiritual person that I am!
It is a very beautiful, serene place…I kept looking at the banks and hearing that old song ON JORDAN’S STORMY BANKS I STAND…and there I was! It really is a wonderfully moving experience.
We stayed maybe an hour—then drove to the Sea of Galilee…and got out at a place called Peter’s Primacy...don’t know why…but it has a huge rock and is said to be the place where Jesus said ON THIS ROCK I BUILD MY CHURCH…there is an altar and place to worship in the building that covers the rock…
THEN…the best part of the whole day for me…we all walked down to the Sea of Galilee…and just sorta drifted apart…Adam and Bethany went off and I went the other way…just walking…not planned…and Mary was kinda in the middle. We were there a long time—and I absolutely loved it. Only a very very few people came down…I couldn’t believe I was standing on the shores of the Sea of Galilee…it was so hazy, we could not see across the sea to the other side, but it didn’t matter. There were boats (tourist boats that resemble the old fishing boats of Jesus’ time) out there and we could hear the people on the boats singing—they were singing stuff like HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS…and they were pretty far out…the sound carries amazingly well. The rocks were black and rough…perfect to build a fire around…I sat out there a long time—just felt the presence of the Lord so much. I had my IPOD…and listened to some wonderful praise music…ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS NAME –instrumental with violin/piano…I just really had a worship experience. I wished for my family and friends to be there too…that is definitely a place we will visit WHEN YA’LL COME TO ISRAEL!
We all sorta drifted back up about the same time…and headed back in to Tiberias and ate on the water at Deck’s Restaurant—wonderful wonderful food…we had a huge platter—shaped like a long pointed rectangle…beautiful and filled with focaccia bread w/seasonings, salad, and tomatoes/cucumbers diced w/seasonings…then Adam had filet mignon, Mary & Bethany had chicken w/curry seasoning and I had lamb chops—they brought them on a small grill—a pan on top of some coals and set that in front of me so they would stay warm…and they brought Adam’s steak to a little side table beside our table with another grill on it…and he had to use it to cook his meat a little more done! There were gulls everywhere…sorta reminded me of Galveston. But it was the Sea of Galilee for pity sakes!!! Imagine that! I just kept sitting there thinking of where I was—and can’t believe it still.
We had a long leisurely meal and laughed and took pics and then we had a wonderful dessert—split among the 4 of us…Forest (?) berry crepe—with ice cream. The waiter was so super nice…
Then we went to the Mount of Beatitudes…the place where Jesus is said to have given the Sermon on the Mount. There is a church there—octagonal... with an altar in the middle… beautiful beautiful…the floor was inlaid tiles…we saw several nuns…one was from New Jersey… there is a convent built beside the church…very beautiful building and the grounds were so pretty…and the view was just incredible…looked out over the Sea of Galilee.
Then we headed back home…and got home about 8:00…so it was an all day event…super nice…so relaxing and enjoyable…
One more little incident…the school has 2 vehicles…a small truck (that is the best vehicle we have—and it rattles and rocks, but runs…) and a Peugot. We were in the Peugot—and it is more than a little rickety. Just as we pulled back in to Jerusalem and up to the Check Point, the smoke started billowing out from under the hood…it was so funny because the IDF guy just started backing away and motioning for us to go on through and pull over up ahead! Adam knew just what to do—has several bottles full of water for just such emergencies…so we poured water and took off again…the IDF guys were glad to see us go!

JANUARY 26, 2009
Such an experience this is…I honestly just kept thinking so much of all of you this afternoon—as I rode the Arab bus (BY MYSELF!) to the Dr’s office (??sketchy is the mildest word I can use) and got on the Arab bus and rode back toward our neighborhood…and got off early, went to Golden Chicken and got chicken for us all to have for dinner in the apartment. The streets and people and businesses and stuff everywhere…it looks a little war-torn to me. Of course, this is all Arab—so the Jewish part of Jerusalem doesn’t look like this—I don’t guess. Graffitti on buildings, abandoned stores—all just sorta blended together. People everywhere—moving fast. They all knew where they were going…Me on the other hand, got off the bus 2 blocks early because I was afraid when I pushed the button, the driver would say, “No No…can’t stop here”…and I’d end up somewhere I couldn’t find my way back from!”
This adventure today was my first time out by myself…and I was a bit anxious. I don’t know why exactly…I surely wasn’t afraid for my safety…just ignorance! When I got back to the checkpoint and started up the hill…and even Shane said, “That’s a serious hill”…I felt very successful! I was walking across in front of the school, and Shane & John were leaving, so they gave me a short ride to the corner…I still had a half a hill to climb and a ways to go to the apt…may sound like no big deal to you, but it was a big deal…and I shouted Hallelujah. We all sat at the table and enjoyed the chicken, etc…first time we have done that…it was nice.
The Dr visit…was for my “physical” for my Visa. Mrs. Maja (the head secretary/financial person at school/resident Arab who knows everything and everybody) made the appointment…so at 3:00 I walk in…no patients were there—which was a little discomfiting! The girl at the front desk (?) didn’t know what I was talking about…called a girl from the back (the nurse?) who said the “Dr.” was not in. I told her about Mrs. Maja, the appointment, what I needed etc. So she goes somewhere and then comes to get me. We do the blood pressure (which was a bit up—imagine that!) and temp…then I go to a room with a man whom I assume is a Dr…he asks me some ?’s & I hope I am answering what he is asking me—I don’t volunteer more than he asks…and he never asked “is that all?” so…I only told what he asked! HOWEVER, I did have to do the blood work (ouch!) and other little unpleasant test…it’s just that the rooms, etc. were just so out there…but really it was ok (?) and tomorrow I have to go back to get the “report”? I am putting stuff in quotations because I don’t know if I have chosen the right words or not!
Today a young couple named Austin and Katie came to the school to start their new jobs…Austin will be taking my 11B English class…he has a degree in engineering, but will be teaching religion classes and this English class and working with Ross on Convoy of Hope (still don’t know what that is). He is 26 and wife is 24 (haven’t met her)…just so young! He sat in on the class—and it is quite a class! Austin will be their 4th teacher this year. Not a good situation. First was Ms. Leslie (?)…then she left in November because of a prior commitment to the mission field somewhere…so Mr. John took over…then I came and I took over for these 2 weeks…now Austin…hopefully, he can establish some continuity and get them going.
We start Mid terms tomorrow…two a day—one is 8:30 to 10:00 and then 10:30 to 12:00…with a 30 min break in between. Then we will meet in teacher groups for the rest of the day…the students will be somewhere supervised by someone??? We get the new schedule and will start having dept. (maybe 4 of us?) meetings…people like Austin—very capable and bright, but haven’t taught in a classroom…so we’ll see.
I can smell the chocolate cake that Mary has baked for us—so I’m signing off and having some dessert…not to worry…all this walking and healthy food (except for the couple of times I’ve had friend chicken and brownies!) and climbing stairs has shaped me up a little…not too much, but better than I’ve ever been! Who needs to buy a Stair Master—come teach at Jerusalem School! You will lose weight and get in shape—what an enticing benefit!
Please remember to pray for my sweet girls—Melissa, Maegan and Holly and for my family…and for my sweet friend Olga Graham whose husband Billy just passed away…also please remember the needs at Jerusalem School…
OH…I almost forgot—and it may not come about, but it sounds great! Bethany, Mary, Trish, Wilma and I have a plan to go to the Dead Sea Spa in 2 weeks—on Sunday Feb. 2…
I also hope to do a trip to Engedi and Massada—they aren’t far…nothing is far in Israel…small country…amazingly small to be the center of so much. But I have to wait on tour guides…just think, I had three yesterday—and Bethany has led tours—at least 7 of them…so I was incredibly blessed.
I love the emails…please please keep them coming-even if I don’t answer…I’m reading and really really enjoy hearing about your families and what is happening. I got the funniest thing today—a card with a piece of red honeysuckle in it from Erma! Great--thanks! AND—Bart sent this package with a picture of Jake, Sandra, Bart and I at the airport—they took me to the plane and spent the afternoon waiting with me! So sweet—thanks Bart…I love the pic and the CD of Jake’s message at FBC Groves! What a wonderful home package that is! And I’ve had cards from Karen, Madeline, Olga...Melissa has mailed me a package…but it isn’t here yet…thank so much!
I miss all of you very very much…and I look forward to coming home for a week in March—actually in 42 days! I will be home March 9—Melissa’s birthday—in Houston at IAH at 3:00—hopefully…I can only stay until Sat. March 14…but then I’ll be home again the first week of June, I think. I look forward to seeing everyone…believe me, I miss home so much…but I know this is my place for this season. And God is teaching me so much—and blessing me in wonderful ways. Thank you from my heart for each encouraging word and prayer—I am grateful…

1 comment:

  1. Auntie, your writing is all so interesting - very neat to hear about all the places and your description of what's about you. I can get the feel of it..... Really exciting that you are so much a part of the school and are included. Looking forward to more -- and KUDOS on your first venture out by yourself (I was holding my breathe throughout the reading...ha.ha...) Oh, and YES, that walking everywhere makes an incredible difference. I often thought in Costa Rica that "we in the US" could all save a lot of money on our health clubs, fitness programs, etc. if we just walked everywhere - I bet you are getting "lean & mean". We love you & pray for you & enjoy the blogs. love, Bren, Johnny & the Frankie
