Friday, May 1, 2009

MAY 1!

MAY 1, 2009
It’s May!! And it is a beautiful day in Jerusalem. The sun is shining and the air is cool. Just perfect! I’ve enjoyed a whole day at the apartment—spiffing things up a bit for our party tonight. We are having a party to honor Mary—she is getting married this summer. The girls (13) are all coming to eat pizza, cheesecake (made by Elaine—yummy!), and watch a movie. We have all given recipes to Erin, and she has made Mary a recipe book—she’s very creative, so I’m anxious to see it. I have the candles burning all over the living room! My SS class sent me a Tyler candle, and it dominates!

Tomorrow after school, Wilma, Christy, Erin and I are going to Haifa and spending the night. We plan to have dinner with Christine/Yousef Dakwar and Jack/Linda Park. Yousef pastors the New Covenant Church in Haifa—so we plan to go to church Sunday night and drive home afterwards. We hope to go to Mount Carmel on Sunday.

My friend Wilma leaves on May 19, so I’m not looking forward to that! She is going early because her granddaughter is graduating from high school. She has been such a blessing to my life—so cheerful and fun and congenial. She is wonderful with the kids—she teaches 3rd grade, and they love her. She loves the Lord, and He uses her generous, obedient heart in His ministry. Her plans are to be in Texas in September…her friend Chrissie Shaheen is going to be speaking at Lakewood Church, so Wilma and Christy both plan to be with her—hopefully we’ll get to see them then.

Melissa has emailed me about the closings and cancellations of places and events because of the danger of the swine flu. I do pray each of you takes special care of yourselves. I called my friend Glen Provost and got the scoop on this new outbreak. He reminded me to constantly wash my hands—because that is the most common means of spreading germs…so I’ve spread that word!

I got good news from Melissa about Maegan—she was named to the Academic All-District Athletic team…and she got fitted for a letter jacket. Great Maegan! She has some big events coming up—9th grade prom, recital and her 15th birthday! All in May—and Nan will be enjoying them vicariously from across the sea!

Last night Mary, Elaine, Wilma and I watched a movie at our apartment—while all the rest of the group gathered on Shane’s roof and had a really grand time. They strung lights across the roof—he has a perfect place to have people over. Most people use their roofs to entertain—they are very nice…ours is not as nice as others because it has pipes, etc. It’s so beautiful up there at night—so high and the lights just seem to go on and on all over the hills of Jerusalem. They barbecued and ate and laughed and had a really good time. They initially planned to join together to share pictures from their Jordan trip, but it blossomed into a real party. They invited all of us, but we “oldies” chose to watch a movie in our jams in our warm apartment!

I do pray all is well with each of you—I appreciate your emails and comments and prayers—please continue to pray for me, my family and Jerusalem School. My sister is still recuperating from surgery—and is experiencing quite a bit of pain. Also, her house got water—first time since she’s lived in Houston—since 1967. So she is still at Brenda and John’s. Thanks for your prayers for her—please continue. I hope to see everyone June 7—10:15 a.m.!

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