Saturday, March 7, 2009

MARCH 7, 2009
I’ve looked forward to writing this date for such a long time—finally tomorrow is almost here!
Just wanted to tell you about our day yesterday. Wilma and I headed out about 10—with Erin. We parked at Mamilla Mall underground parking…and strolled and shopped. The weather was absolutely perfect…and the scenery just so beautiful. As you walk along, the city is all around—built on sides of mountains…all those white stone buildings. It is just so beautiful. We bought a couple of things—and then headed to Focaccio’s Restaurant. It is one of a few that does not close for Sabbath—so we could meet at 2:00. We had a surprise birthday party for Mary, my roommate, and had a wonderful group—Shane, Sarah, Simone, Darrell & Eula, Austin & Katie, Kristen, Adam & Bethany, Trish, Elaine, Joy, Wilma, Erin and me…We all came from different directions—Joy and Mary rode a taxi together…and were the last to arrive. Mary was completely shocked—she had no idea there would be a group. The four of us were supposed to eat for her birthday…so it was great. The food is pretty mixed—and very delicious—but not Arab. We were there over 2 hours—laughing and eating and telling funny stories. They all were saying afterwards how good it was to get together like that—just to enjoy each other. So we hope to plan other get-togethers to just relax and take away the stress.

I got to buy two newspapers and enjoy reading them last night. There was a terrible incident on Thursday—a man driving a bulldozer flipped a police car into a bus of girls who were dressed in costumes and were on their way to a hospital to visit patients. The policemen were injured; none of the girls was hurt; several bystanders had to be treated for shock; they shot the driver of the bulldozer—he was an Arab man from Beit Hanina—the neighborhood down the road from us.

Today was Saturday school—and the seniors were to go on some sort of trip to visit Bethlehem University…it seems most of them skipped! So they are in a bit of trouble! They have senior privileges—which means they can leave the school for lunch…of course only 2 of the girls have cars, so they all walk somewhere to eat. Now that the checkpoint is gone, several new restaurants have opened in our neighborhood, so I guess they go there. Last Thursday, they were almost 10 minutes late back to school, so they lost their privileges for this next week! No telling what will be the consequence for missing the field trip.

However, my day was nice—only had to have two classes—and we had quizzes in both of them. I sat with a couple of classes that were missing teachers…so I was busy, but not with seniors! We have no substitute teachers, so when one of us is missing, another teacher has to cover for that missing teacher. It is a real problem.

I’ve been blessed to be in on a wonderful secret…Adam bought Bethany an engagement ring and is going to propose this week end…he had told me when we went to the basketball tournament a couple of weeks ago. Her mother is here visiting from the states. Bethany’s sister/husband also live here—they attend Hebrew University, so she is staying with them. They have all gone to Netanya and Tiberias for the week end—where the beach is. He came to our apartment Friday a.m. to show us the ring. He is so cute—29 yrs. old…he is the new principal for the elementary level…just took over for Dr. Theo who had to leave. they both are very committed to the Lord and to missions—she spent last year in Russia teaching in an American school…and has led several tour groups here in Israel through the years. She just called Mary to tell us about it…so they are engaged!

Trish’s parents are coming next week end (March 14)…they live in St. Louis—and have never been here. And Darrell/Eula’s daughter is coming for Easter …and Wilma’s daughters are supposed to come for Easter. So that’s fun looking forward to company.

Joy, my roommate, will be leaving March 28…her visa expired and was not renewed. Then Mary leaves May 15—she is getting married.

Wilma and I (and her daughters if they get to come) are trying to plan an excursion during the Easter breaks—we have two 4 day breaks…one for Easter and one for the Orthodox Easter.

Thanks for your prayers and interest. I’m looking forward to a few days in Texas. Please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School.


  1. I think you should rename your blog Beth's Journey to Palestine - or even Beth's Journey to the Holy Land - but to name it Beth's Journey to Israel is an insult to the students you teach and the people you work with.

  2. The Modi'in Block is a group of Israeli-Jewish settlements located approximately 8 Km northwest of Jerusalem along the 1949 Armistice Line.

    The eight illegal Israeli settlements occupy an area of 10,678 dunums (10.678 km²) and established on lands originally owned by Palestinians from Al Midya, Ni'lin, Al Burj, Shilta, Saffa, Beit Sira, Bir Mai'n, Deir Qiddies, Bil'in and Khirbet Al Misbah within the governorate of Ramallah. So while you shop and do coffee there....remember those poor Palestinians whose land lies underneath the super malls and coffee shops.

  3. You are living in PALESTINE!

  4. I am new to the blogging bit but it sounds like whoever is posting the aonymous blogs is someone who knows you so why don't they just sit down and discuss the situation with you? I have such a hard time with people saying what they want to say anonymously when so much more good can come from an open discussion. I am also so unfamiliar with the area where you are - if you aren't in Israel then where is Israel? Maybe I need to look it up on the map. Oh well--bigger fish to fry than all this!! Love you, sue

  5. GET OFF OF THIS BLOG!!! Why are you reading a blog of someone you don't even know? If you don't like what's written DON'T READ IT! It's not written for you anyway, I can't imagine how you got this blog address. This is for family and friends, obviously you are neither.

  6. Also, she didn't name this blog, I did. Again, NONE of your business.
