Thursday, February 5, 2009

FEBRUARY 5, 2009 Life is different…to say the least…in this beautiful city…today we had parent teacher conferences. The parents were to call the school and schedule a time from 3 to 7 p.m. So we have been at school since 7:30 this morning…with only cookies and snacks! My friend Kenneth would never have gone for that! Got to have some sustenance! I had seven or eight parents…all very nice…of course, I haven’t issued any grades yet. So it may be a different story when that happens. They were all so nice—and so interested in their children doing the right thing and being polite, etc. When I was finished, I got a ride home with Darrell—and he took Austin and Katie to their apartment also. They are the newest couple from the states here to work with these kids—and something else. I think I’ve told you that I am working with Austin quite a bit—he has a degree in computer engineering and is teaching English 11B (that is juniors) So he is in new territory…just the nicest young man…they have been in Jordan for the last year working with ministries there to teach English as a second language. I am so amazed every day at the things people do just because they love the Lord and are willing to get out of their comfort zones and STAY out! The staying part is beyond my understanding! But I am definitely out of my comfort zone! That “no tissue in the toilet” rule is # one on my list! And walking and climbing stairs—and we clean our own rooms at school—sweep, empty the trash and rearrange the desks! Not that it is any big deal—just so different! I think of Delores Green so much—and all those ladies at the HS who were always walking around cleaning and picking up…no such thing here! I was able to get on Skype this evening and called Sandra and Melissa and Lois—it is so wonderful to hear voices! The disconnection from everything familiar is difficult! Melissa is so sick with the flu—says she may go to school tomorrow—I hope she stays in bed and gets well!!! Four of my students are going to some kind of conference in Jerusalem…I’m not sure exactly what it is because I can’t understand what they are saying—but they will stay in the city until Tuesday…and attend lectures by people from all over the world. They are very bright and so interested in learning everything. The father of one of the boys came tonight and we had a really good visit—he has two older children—one daughter is in her last year in college at San Francisco State…then she wants to stay in the states and get her MBA. His son is in medical school in Romania…and this son wants to go to Berkeley. That is so interesting to me… I am blessed to be here teaching and getting to know these people. But I am really being blessed to be able to help some of the younger teachers…my experience having student teachers is really helping. Trish and Kristen are teaching middle school English—and Trish is a math teacher and Kristen is a history teacher—and both have limited experience—so we’re having fun creating lesson plans and doing handouts for their kids. Tonight Trish sent the parents of one of her 8th graders to me to ask for tutoring…so I’m supposed to meet with him on Tuesday and Thursday for one hour after school…that will be interesting. I am not sure I can do that for very long. By the end of the day WITH ALL THOSE STAIRS I am pretty done in. I just keep wishing you could see everything…the school, the neighborhood, the children, the life…I had a conference with the mother of one of my senior boys. She was telling me what an enjoyable young man he is, and I agree. I told her I had seen him all the time with his little brother in hand after school…and I see a lot of that…big teen age boys holding their little siblings’ hands and walking and laughing with them. Their families are really close…and important to them. So many fathers were there tonight—of course moms too…but mostly it was fathers or both parents. Tomorrow Kristen and I have plans…we are going to call a taxi and go to Jerusalem Mall…we are going to eat and maybe see a movie…and of course, might do a little shopping. She and her roommates (Trish and Bethany) were supposed to go to IKEA—which is near Tel Aviv, but the other two decided they didn’t want to go. And I wanted to go to the mall…when I say I need some things, usually I mean I want some things…NOT SO! I need some things…so hope that all works out…we don’t either one know where it is exactly. My roommate Joy has a number she calls for a taxi—now we hope the driver will be willing to come get us at the check point—and then hopefully speak enough English to get us there…and then we have to get back! And before dark…so it will be an adventure. School on Saturday…and the ladies Beth Moore Bible study afterwards…and then church Saturday night. I think I told you I didn’t get my visa—no big deal. Since I am planning to come home anyway…I can go out and come back in. Ross said the laws change and no one knows—a new law went into effect in January…affecting volunteers. He will appeal, but it may not work. We still don’t have our internet—we all are hoping he will come soon…we get on out in our little laundry room—that is cold and small…but worth it! So I’m going to post this little bit of news and get off the internet. I wrote some of you last night about a friend of Mary’s. She is a teacher in Bethlehem school. Mary received an email from her Tuesday night and said, “she was in England—had to leave unexpectedly to attend a conference…and she had left her purse w/money, passport, phone, etc. in it in a cab. And asked her to please wire her some money to this address at a hotel in England.” And it was the friend’s email address…but Mary thought it seemed strange—so she tried calling her. Sure enough she is in Bethlehem…someone has hacked into her email and sent that email to everyone on her email list! So if you get a plea for money from me…send it to 2816 Delta! I appreciate all the emails and prayers and interest in this adventure the Lord has led me on. Please pray for my girls—Melissa, Maegan and Holly—and my family and us here…we truly need prayer to fulfill the purpose for which God has called us. Beth

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