FEBRUARY 27, 2009
Hooray—we don’t have school tomorrow! Isn’t that great! We are so happy here in the apartment…I think we are going to nestle in with a good book if the weather is still this bad. I don't think I will get to go to Haifa...
I ventured out on my own again today...and did great. Except it started raining...at first it was just a light rain as I walked to the bus stop...but by the time the bus got down town--it was pouring and the wind was blowing and it was super cold. I scurried to the coffee shop and ate a croissant and drank a wonderful hot drink. Then I took off for Mamilla Mall...and got my presents ...and then went in to a store named Crazy Line and bought a black 3/4 coat-jacket...real different. And a brown sorta leathery/plastic jacket--and a pants/jacket outfit and a pair of dark gray/green pants...all except the green pants were 70% off...so I got some bargains. I think. I just enjoyed being out shopping, even though it was so cold. That mall is open...so I had to have my brella all the time. They also have a store here called Sweats--and I bought a pair of pants that match a hoodie I had purchased when I first got here.
By the time I got ready to leave it was pouring and wind blowing and cold cold cold! And I had multiple packages--plus I ate and had my leftovers and two containers of goodies for a little party we had here tonight. I finally blew down to the street and started trying to wave taxis...well...that was a chore and when I tried to lift my hand, the umbrella turned inside out...finally one stopped...and I fell in! I didn't care what he was going to charge me...I was going to pay! Sure enough, he was Arab...and he brought me all the way to my apartment. He kept telling me...only Arab drivers would come this far. Jewish taxi drivers would not come here...I kept saying that the check point was gone...but he said it didn't matter. So I was blessed that the one who stopped was Arab! Or I guess I'd been out on the streets again!!!
Tonight my roommate Mary planned a little get-together for Tameka—the granddaughter of Marge and Dr. Theo—the family that is leaving tomorrow—actually, they leave at 2 a.m….their plane leaves at 7 a.m. Tameka came over and Mary fixed them cheese quesadillas—and Joy, Mary, Tameka and I watched a movie—then Elaine came home—and then Bethany & Kristen came and then Erin came over…so we had a little party! It was fun to sit and laugh and talk. Before Bethany/Kristen left to go walk Tameka home, we gathered around and prayed for Tameka...they are moving to Clearwater, Florida...and she will enroll in a school there.
It is super cold…wind is blowing and it sounds like little pieces of ice hitting the window…freezing in our rooms, so I have my heater and bedwarmer ready!
Hope everyone is okay—only 10 more days until I see AMERICA! Wow! Thank you for your emails and interest and prayers…please continue to pray for my family and for Jerusalem School.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
FEBRUARY 26, 2009
For the first time, my news may evoke a little envy from my PNG teaching buddies—they came around (we have no internet, no PA system, no method of communication except hand delivered slips—and remember it is up 2 levels from the office—more stairs than I can even count!) this afternoon and delivered a little message that said NO SCHOOL ON SATURDAY! So that means we have 3 days off—and we don’t have to go back until MONDAY! We were all hugging and laughing…like we had a real holiday! We usually all give quizzes on Saturday, so we had them prepared to give—so we were feeling really good because that means our plans were done for Monday too—UNTIL Ross came by and said we couldn’t give quizzes on Monday—the majority of the students will be back at AIS (American International School) to play in a big final tournament—basketball and soccer—and won’t get in until very late Sunday night… So after school, all the kids were coming by, “Miss…when is the test?” I said Tuesday—and they allllllllll began to object…No Miss…we have 2-3 or more other tests on Tuesday…TOO BAD! Now you have another one!
Three days off—and no wheels! I’m still hoping to go to Haifa Sunday with Chrissie—but she isn’t back from leading her tour yet. Hopefully, I’ll get to see Christine and Yousef—and maybe go to church with them Sunday night. If I do, I will get in late Sunday too—so all of us may be very tired Monday.
Tomorrow Kristen and I may venture in to the city—but we have to go early because everything starts to close about 2:00—and then isn’t even open on Saturday…everything is open early to late on Sunday…very different.
The reason they called off school: There are going to be strikes/ demonstrations by the Arabs on Saturday. I don’t know exactly where—but someplace in Jerusalem. The Israeli government has the authority to take homes and demolish them and build other homes for other people. Remember I told you about my friend Wally that I met in October on the Mount of Olives—there was a house by the side of the road that was in shambles—I asked about it…he said the owner (Arab) had tried for 6 years to get a permit to build it, and they never would give him one. So he built it anyway, and the first day it was done, the government destroyed it.
In this situation today, there are 80+ houses that are going to be demolished to form a new settlement for Jewish families. These houses legally belong to Arab families—but there is no law of eminent domain…like in the states when the government wants property for highways, etc., they pay the owner for the land. That isn’t what happens here…they tell the people to leave and find someplace else to live—and they give the land to Jewish families.
So there is going to be a big demonstration protesting this event. I don’t know if any of you remember one of my first blogs I was writing about the conversation between Shane (principal) and my 11th graders…it was during the Gaza War…and I was so taken by how well they expressed their feelings about living here…I remember hearing Zeina say, “They just don’t want us here—they tell us that all the time. They want us gone.” And it does seem that is true. What a way for young people to grow up.
I also learned today that two of my students Amir and Salim will be coming to Austin this summer to participate in some kind of international leadership conference. They will be staying at the Marriott, but I’m not sure where the conference will be. They will be there from June 22 until July 8…I am going to make every effort to go to Austin to see them…I’d love to bring a convoy of people to go meet them…so if you think you might be interested, let me know. They are just two of the most incredible kids you’d ever want to meet. I will tell you more about them when I get home, but I’d love to take some folks—young and old and go to Austin and meet them.
I appreciate hearing from so many of you very very much…I love knowing the stories of what is happening with you and your families…every email is a blessing. Thanks so much…I know it is trouble…my friend Pam Taylor even sent me a wonderfully long email that she had “thumbed on the Blackberry” because her internet was out! That’s a friend! I’ve had several say that they just didn’t have anything to say—not true…I wish I could find words to explain the stark disconnect that has happened to me—and to others who go on such an adventure as this. Anyway—I can tell you that every bit of news is wonderful—so thanks for writing any bit of news!
I even heard PNG has a new head football coach—and I was glad to know that bit of news! And Melissa sent me the news story about Jessie Burkle’s students getting Oxford American Dictionaries! That is just an incredible story.
Thanks for your prayers—for my family and Jerusalem School…I am looking forward to a few days at home in 11 days…but who’s counting? ME!
For the first time, my news may evoke a little envy from my PNG teaching buddies—they came around (we have no internet, no PA system, no method of communication except hand delivered slips—and remember it is up 2 levels from the office—more stairs than I can even count!) this afternoon and delivered a little message that said NO SCHOOL ON SATURDAY! So that means we have 3 days off—and we don’t have to go back until MONDAY! We were all hugging and laughing…like we had a real holiday! We usually all give quizzes on Saturday, so we had them prepared to give—so we were feeling really good because that means our plans were done for Monday too—UNTIL Ross came by and said we couldn’t give quizzes on Monday—the majority of the students will be back at AIS (American International School) to play in a big final tournament—basketball and soccer—and won’t get in until very late Sunday night… So after school, all the kids were coming by, “Miss…when is the test?” I said Tuesday—and they allllllllll began to object…No Miss…we have 2-3 or more other tests on Tuesday…TOO BAD! Now you have another one!
Three days off—and no wheels! I’m still hoping to go to Haifa Sunday with Chrissie—but she isn’t back from leading her tour yet. Hopefully, I’ll get to see Christine and Yousef—and maybe go to church with them Sunday night. If I do, I will get in late Sunday too—so all of us may be very tired Monday.
Tomorrow Kristen and I may venture in to the city—but we have to go early because everything starts to close about 2:00—and then isn’t even open on Saturday…everything is open early to late on Sunday…very different.
The reason they called off school: There are going to be strikes/ demonstrations by the Arabs on Saturday. I don’t know exactly where—but someplace in Jerusalem. The Israeli government has the authority to take homes and demolish them and build other homes for other people. Remember I told you about my friend Wally that I met in October on the Mount of Olives—there was a house by the side of the road that was in shambles—I asked about it…he said the owner (Arab) had tried for 6 years to get a permit to build it, and they never would give him one. So he built it anyway, and the first day it was done, the government destroyed it.
In this situation today, there are 80+ houses that are going to be demolished to form a new settlement for Jewish families. These houses legally belong to Arab families—but there is no law of eminent domain…like in the states when the government wants property for highways, etc., they pay the owner for the land. That isn’t what happens here…they tell the people to leave and find someplace else to live—and they give the land to Jewish families.
So there is going to be a big demonstration protesting this event. I don’t know if any of you remember one of my first blogs I was writing about the conversation between Shane (principal) and my 11th graders…it was during the Gaza War…and I was so taken by how well they expressed their feelings about living here…I remember hearing Zeina say, “They just don’t want us here—they tell us that all the time. They want us gone.” And it does seem that is true. What a way for young people to grow up.
I also learned today that two of my students Amir and Salim will be coming to Austin this summer to participate in some kind of international leadership conference. They will be staying at the Marriott, but I’m not sure where the conference will be. They will be there from June 22 until July 8…I am going to make every effort to go to Austin to see them…I’d love to bring a convoy of people to go meet them…so if you think you might be interested, let me know. They are just two of the most incredible kids you’d ever want to meet. I will tell you more about them when I get home, but I’d love to take some folks—young and old and go to Austin and meet them.
I appreciate hearing from so many of you very very much…I love knowing the stories of what is happening with you and your families…every email is a blessing. Thanks so much…I know it is trouble…my friend Pam Taylor even sent me a wonderfully long email that she had “thumbed on the Blackberry” because her internet was out! That’s a friend! I’ve had several say that they just didn’t have anything to say—not true…I wish I could find words to explain the stark disconnect that has happened to me—and to others who go on such an adventure as this. Anyway—I can tell you that every bit of news is wonderful—so thanks for writing any bit of news!
I even heard PNG has a new head football coach—and I was glad to know that bit of news! And Melissa sent me the news story about Jessie Burkle’s students getting Oxford American Dictionaries! That is just an incredible story.
Thanks for your prayers—for my family and Jerusalem School…I am looking forward to a few days at home in 11 days…but who’s counting? ME!
Monday, February 23, 2009
FEBRUARY 23, 2009
Cold, sleet and hail—and these cold buildings just make for a freezing situation! But the weather cleared today—still cold, but not raining or sleeting.
Sunday was going to be my day to nest in the apartment, cook some chicken spaghetti and get caught up on school work. HOWEVER—at 10 or so, Adam called and invited me to ride with him to watch our kids play basketball and soccer…it had been on my mind all week—they always need someone to ride the bus with them, and I had thought about it, but decided to stay home. But when Adam called, I agreed to go—we left about 10:30—now I thought it was somewhere not too far outside Jerusalem…I did not know it was almost an hour and a half drive—north close to Netanya at the American International School—freezing weather, raining and wind blowing. This is a beautiful facility—way upscale—children of diplomats, etc…I think the tuition is around $22,000…the facilities are beautiful and well-kept…soccer fields, gymnasiums, Olympic-sized swimming pools, etc. Of course the weather was so bad, none of that looked too great that day. And on the way home we got in awful traffic—rush-hour traffic—in Tel Aviv and we were late getting home…
We actually beat the bus there because they were caught in a traffic jam because of a bus accident…the younger boys played a soccer game (IN ALL THAT BAD WEATHER!) then the girls played a basketball game—we only had 6 girls, so they didn’t substitute much. They are pretty good—but can’t hit the goal, so we didn’t win. I sat upstairs behind a glass on the cold, stone floor and watched…then we moved to the other end and watched the boys. They are super great—they were beating the AIS team—when our coach got a little unhappy with the referee because he was not calling fouls on the other team…and the referee got mad and kicked him out of the game—then got even madder because our boys clapped and so he (the ref) called the game and made us forfeit! Amazing! So wrong! You know how competitive I am—I was hopping with the coach! But I was upstairs behind the glass, so my voice was not heard!
The coach is Jamison—the one I told you about that is the pastor of the church on the Mount of Olives—he and his wife Kelli have 4 little children—4, 3, 2 and 6 months…so Kayla and Eric came with Kelli to help with the children—I think I’d have been tempted to stay at home! But she (the mom) is so sweet and just takes care of all of them…they’d had church that morning, and packed everyone up and came to AIS so he could coach the boys’ team.
Watching these students is just so amazing to me…they are so unusual to me. They laugh and cut up and act goofy—but there is no interaction that is inappropriate between boys and girls…the boys were over there dancing and cutting up among themselves while we were waiting on the ref/etc. and three or four girls from AIS came over and tried to mix and mingle with them—dancing really inappropriately around…and our boys just kept on having a good time among themselves as if those girls weren’t there…they didn’t even turn around and look at them…it isn’t like they are unfriendly—because when they first arrived, they were all friendly with everyone from the other schools… our kids are just so cute and likeable. I know I’m not doing a good descriptive job…just can’t think of the words to describe what I’m seeing. They are very different in so many ways, yet they are just kids.
They just don’t have access to so many things the kids in the states have—cars, mainly…and freedom to move around in adult situations. They are by no means perfect—my 9th grade class can be very difficult to enjoy. Today, I was trying to write some things on the board…and every time I turned around and wrote, some boys would stomp their feet—loud…as soon as I turned around, they stopped…so silly and immature….sure enough, for some reason, Mr. Scott appeared at my door! I told him…and he said ok—who was it…no one spoke up…so he called out 3 boys that I knew were most likely innocent—and then, soon, 2 of them came back and he called out 2 other boys—who I knew had done it. He suspended those 2 who had been doing it—not that there weren’t others…but suspension for them meant they followed him everywhere he went today—and he got another one and made him sit down in detention with his face to the wall…so tomorrow should be interesting. They’ll be pouting and mad—Mercy! Didn’t I retire from all this!!!!
Tonight I cooked chicken spaghetti—or tried to. No way to get Velveeta cheese nor Campbell’s mushroom soup—and I discovered those 2 items are necessary for my chicken spaghetti! It was okay, but not the real stuff…and it took me forever and I managed to get every pan in the kitchen dirty.
When I finished, Kristen and I went to Jafar’s for groceries—remember the apartments share the truck—and tonight was our night for the truck! We loaded up on groceries…after asking people in the aisles exactly what we are buying if there is not an English word on the item…we dropped off our garbage on the way home. Then I cleaned all those dishes—YUK! The cheese I used was super messy…I won’t be cooking that dish again. However, that is only the second time I have cooked for the apartment…so I guess it was time! We don’t really cook—we all just eat something…sometimes we pick up chicken or something…or just each on our own. And if we go eat, we bring home a left over.
Tomorrow night Wilma and I are taking the Thompsons and Scotts out for dinner—because the Thompsons are leaving Saturday—visas denied.
I’m hoping to go to Haifa this coming week end—Chrissy (Wilma’s friend with the reconciliation ministry) wants to go…and she has a car! Imagine! What luxury…she’s still leading the tour group, so she’s not back here yet, but I’m hoping we can go Saturday and spend the night in a hotel! YOWZER!!! Hot water showers…tonight as I was in that cold-water bath, I thought NO MORE! I can’t do this! I’m shivering and shaking—and thinking, “What am I doing???” Then I thought of Darcy Simpson—and they don’t even have showers! Things could always be much worse…and that is so true here. There are so many blessings in the midst of this ministry.
My teacher friends will appreciate this—nary a file cabinet for me…and they all know how I have my little run-offs, etc…so my little office and desk is just piles of papers…I’m using so much of the materials and methods that Lynne James gave me when I went to the high school—she taught me so much, and I am sharing it with these students…and other young teachers. So her legacy is going on and on—even to Arab students in Jerusalem! How wonderful is that!
I’m planning to borrow copies of some of Shakespearean works from my friend Erma Richter and show them when I return. I don’t really know where a TV/DVD player is…but hopefully, I can find one. We’ll see…
I will be home in 13 days, but who is counting!! Bless Melissa—she put two video clips on her blog of Maegan running in the track meet at LCM—and I could watch about a 5 second clip and hear everyone yelling, “GO MAEGAN!” I’ve watched them over and over and even had my roommates Elaine and Joy watch! Mercy—I would surely like to see her run. Melissa said Maegan bettered her 2-mile time by over a minute and her 1-mile time by almost 30 seconds. She came in the middle of the pack in both races, which is great for a freshman running against juniors and seniors on varsity. I’m so proud of her and grateful for her…
I love ya’ll and appreciate your interest and emails and prayers—please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School…
Cold, sleet and hail—and these cold buildings just make for a freezing situation! But the weather cleared today—still cold, but not raining or sleeting.
Sunday was going to be my day to nest in the apartment, cook some chicken spaghetti and get caught up on school work. HOWEVER—at 10 or so, Adam called and invited me to ride with him to watch our kids play basketball and soccer…it had been on my mind all week—they always need someone to ride the bus with them, and I had thought about it, but decided to stay home. But when Adam called, I agreed to go—we left about 10:30—now I thought it was somewhere not too far outside Jerusalem…I did not know it was almost an hour and a half drive—north close to Netanya at the American International School—freezing weather, raining and wind blowing. This is a beautiful facility—way upscale—children of diplomats, etc…I think the tuition is around $22,000…the facilities are beautiful and well-kept…soccer fields, gymnasiums, Olympic-sized swimming pools, etc. Of course the weather was so bad, none of that looked too great that day. And on the way home we got in awful traffic—rush-hour traffic—in Tel Aviv and we were late getting home…
We actually beat the bus there because they were caught in a traffic jam because of a bus accident…the younger boys played a soccer game (IN ALL THAT BAD WEATHER!) then the girls played a basketball game—we only had 6 girls, so they didn’t substitute much. They are pretty good—but can’t hit the goal, so we didn’t win. I sat upstairs behind a glass on the cold, stone floor and watched…then we moved to the other end and watched the boys. They are super great—they were beating the AIS team—when our coach got a little unhappy with the referee because he was not calling fouls on the other team…and the referee got mad and kicked him out of the game—then got even madder because our boys clapped and so he (the ref) called the game and made us forfeit! Amazing! So wrong! You know how competitive I am—I was hopping with the coach! But I was upstairs behind the glass, so my voice was not heard!
The coach is Jamison—the one I told you about that is the pastor of the church on the Mount of Olives—he and his wife Kelli have 4 little children—4, 3, 2 and 6 months…so Kayla and Eric came with Kelli to help with the children—I think I’d have been tempted to stay at home! But she (the mom) is so sweet and just takes care of all of them…they’d had church that morning, and packed everyone up and came to AIS so he could coach the boys’ team.
Watching these students is just so amazing to me…they are so unusual to me. They laugh and cut up and act goofy—but there is no interaction that is inappropriate between boys and girls…the boys were over there dancing and cutting up among themselves while we were waiting on the ref/etc. and three or four girls from AIS came over and tried to mix and mingle with them—dancing really inappropriately around…and our boys just kept on having a good time among themselves as if those girls weren’t there…they didn’t even turn around and look at them…it isn’t like they are unfriendly—because when they first arrived, they were all friendly with everyone from the other schools… our kids are just so cute and likeable. I know I’m not doing a good descriptive job…just can’t think of the words to describe what I’m seeing. They are very different in so many ways, yet they are just kids.
They just don’t have access to so many things the kids in the states have—cars, mainly…and freedom to move around in adult situations. They are by no means perfect—my 9th grade class can be very difficult to enjoy. Today, I was trying to write some things on the board…and every time I turned around and wrote, some boys would stomp their feet—loud…as soon as I turned around, they stopped…so silly and immature….sure enough, for some reason, Mr. Scott appeared at my door! I told him…and he said ok—who was it…no one spoke up…so he called out 3 boys that I knew were most likely innocent—and then, soon, 2 of them came back and he called out 2 other boys—who I knew had done it. He suspended those 2 who had been doing it—not that there weren’t others…but suspension for them meant they followed him everywhere he went today—and he got another one and made him sit down in detention with his face to the wall…so tomorrow should be interesting. They’ll be pouting and mad—Mercy! Didn’t I retire from all this!!!!
Tonight I cooked chicken spaghetti—or tried to. No way to get Velveeta cheese nor Campbell’s mushroom soup—and I discovered those 2 items are necessary for my chicken spaghetti! It was okay, but not the real stuff…and it took me forever and I managed to get every pan in the kitchen dirty.
When I finished, Kristen and I went to Jafar’s for groceries—remember the apartments share the truck—and tonight was our night for the truck! We loaded up on groceries…after asking people in the aisles exactly what we are buying if there is not an English word on the item…we dropped off our garbage on the way home. Then I cleaned all those dishes—YUK! The cheese I used was super messy…I won’t be cooking that dish again. However, that is only the second time I have cooked for the apartment…so I guess it was time! We don’t really cook—we all just eat something…sometimes we pick up chicken or something…or just each on our own. And if we go eat, we bring home a left over.
Tomorrow night Wilma and I are taking the Thompsons and Scotts out for dinner—because the Thompsons are leaving Saturday—visas denied.
I’m hoping to go to Haifa this coming week end—Chrissy (Wilma’s friend with the reconciliation ministry) wants to go…and she has a car! Imagine! What luxury…she’s still leading the tour group, so she’s not back here yet, but I’m hoping we can go Saturday and spend the night in a hotel! YOWZER!!! Hot water showers…tonight as I was in that cold-water bath, I thought NO MORE! I can’t do this! I’m shivering and shaking—and thinking, “What am I doing???” Then I thought of Darcy Simpson—and they don’t even have showers! Things could always be much worse…and that is so true here. There are so many blessings in the midst of this ministry.
My teacher friends will appreciate this—nary a file cabinet for me…and they all know how I have my little run-offs, etc…so my little office and desk is just piles of papers…I’m using so much of the materials and methods that Lynne James gave me when I went to the high school—she taught me so much, and I am sharing it with these students…and other young teachers. So her legacy is going on and on—even to Arab students in Jerusalem! How wonderful is that!
I’m planning to borrow copies of some of Shakespearean works from my friend Erma Richter and show them when I return. I don’t really know where a TV/DVD player is…but hopefully, I can find one. We’ll see…
I will be home in 13 days, but who is counting!! Bless Melissa—she put two video clips on her blog of Maegan running in the track meet at LCM—and I could watch about a 5 second clip and hear everyone yelling, “GO MAEGAN!” I’ve watched them over and over and even had my roommates Elaine and Joy watch! Mercy—I would surely like to see her run. Melissa said Maegan bettered her 2-mile time by over a minute and her 1-mile time by almost 30 seconds. She came in the middle of the pack in both races, which is great for a freshman running against juniors and seniors on varsity. I’m so proud of her and grateful for her…
I love ya’ll and appreciate your interest and emails and prayers—please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School…
Friday, February 20, 2009
FEBRUARY 20, 2009
HALLELUJAH!!! What a good day---FIVE—yep---FIVE pieces of mail! I am so thrilled to get that—thanks so much…Janet, Sandra, Madeline, and Dee Provost sent me TWO! Thank you so much—I love it…it’s like I can touch someone! Isn’t that just the craziest thing!
I made my first venture in to the city by myself…and did great. I followed the same path that Wilma has shown me…and went by a nail shop, went in and the girl did a great job! She is Russian—speaks nary a word of English, but she does those nails like English people! Who cares what she talks! She is young—blonde and very sweet. I noticed she was wearing a pretty gold cross w/little diamonds—so I asked if she is Christian. She smiled really big and said, “Yes…” ducked her head, and kept working…did not invite any more conversation and since we don’t have a common language, I just sat!
Afterwards, I met Wanda Jean Hickey and her friend Cindy…supposed to meet at The Coffee Bean, but they were at Cup ‘o Joe—so we finally got together, had wonderful tomato soup and foccacio bread and enjoyed a great visit. Wanda Jean and her husband Jim have been tour leaders for almost 20 years—and are so familiar with this country. She is really so sweet and full of love for the Lord and this country…and she knows so much. I wish I could have gone on a tour with them. Cindy is from Woodville, TX—and is staying an extra month in an apt…she is interested in volunteer work here—so I’m going to talk to Shane in the morning about her helping us out here. We’ll see what the Lord has planned.
As I was walking to the bus station to return home, I passed a McDonald’s—went in and had an old-fashioned Homestyle burger, fries and a drink!
The weather is really cold—we had had some bright sunny days last week end, but all that is gone. My clothes that I laid out on the racks Thursday afternoon are still not dry—because it is damp and cold. But I’m not as cold—I dress very warmly all the time and wear a scarf all the time—and enjoy my heater and bed-warmer in my room.
Remember the political election—the woman Livni actually won, but today Peres (the present Prime Minister) appointed the man Benjamin Net?something as the Prime Minister—because he was able to form a coalition of people. Very different…so will she join his party and be a part? Who knows? He is known as a hardliner—and supposedly will take a much harder line on any peace talks for the Middle East.
Hope each of you is having a wonderful Friday—thanks for your prayers and emails and wonderful mail! I love it…please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School.
HALLELUJAH!!! What a good day---FIVE—yep---FIVE pieces of mail! I am so thrilled to get that—thanks so much…Janet, Sandra, Madeline, and Dee Provost sent me TWO! Thank you so much—I love it…it’s like I can touch someone! Isn’t that just the craziest thing!
I made my first venture in to the city by myself…and did great. I followed the same path that Wilma has shown me…and went by a nail shop, went in and the girl did a great job! She is Russian—speaks nary a word of English, but she does those nails like English people! Who cares what she talks! She is young—blonde and very sweet. I noticed she was wearing a pretty gold cross w/little diamonds—so I asked if she is Christian. She smiled really big and said, “Yes…” ducked her head, and kept working…did not invite any more conversation and since we don’t have a common language, I just sat!
Afterwards, I met Wanda Jean Hickey and her friend Cindy…supposed to meet at The Coffee Bean, but they were at Cup ‘o Joe—so we finally got together, had wonderful tomato soup and foccacio bread and enjoyed a great visit. Wanda Jean and her husband Jim have been tour leaders for almost 20 years—and are so familiar with this country. She is really so sweet and full of love for the Lord and this country…and she knows so much. I wish I could have gone on a tour with them. Cindy is from Woodville, TX—and is staying an extra month in an apt…she is interested in volunteer work here—so I’m going to talk to Shane in the morning about her helping us out here. We’ll see what the Lord has planned.
As I was walking to the bus station to return home, I passed a McDonald’s—went in and had an old-fashioned Homestyle burger, fries and a drink!
The weather is really cold—we had had some bright sunny days last week end, but all that is gone. My clothes that I laid out on the racks Thursday afternoon are still not dry—because it is damp and cold. But I’m not as cold—I dress very warmly all the time and wear a scarf all the time—and enjoy my heater and bed-warmer in my room.
Remember the political election—the woman Livni actually won, but today Peres (the present Prime Minister) appointed the man Benjamin Net?something as the Prime Minister—because he was able to form a coalition of people. Very different…so will she join his party and be a part? Who knows? He is known as a hardliner—and supposedly will take a much harder line on any peace talks for the Middle East.
Hope each of you is having a wonderful Friday—thanks for your prayers and emails and wonderful mail! I love it…please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
FEBRUARY 19, 2009
Thursday—thank you Lord! We get a day off! I could really get used to days off...that is my favorite thing here.
I heard something interesting tonight…Because of visa issues, we are needing teachers to come for March, April, May…so tonight Wilma told me that Ross will pay for the flight and provide housing if someone feels led to come teach for these last three months. We need a 4th grade teacher—and of course, there might be other spots also. Marge teaches 4th grade, and we know they are leaving because of the visa denial. Actually, they are leaving February 28, so that is how soon that teacher spot is open.
I am in the country with a tourist visa—which is good for 3 months. I came in January—will go home in March—then return for part of March, April, May, until June 6.
I am passing this on by means of the blog—I have no idea who reads it—but DO NOT even give the idea of coming to Jerusalem to teach one single thought without much much much prayer. I am completely convinced—and was before I ever left—that for this season (?) of my life, this is where I am supposed to be. And believe me, the Lord has been faithful and present with me—in a way I’ve never known before. It has been a real struggle to stay focused on the day, to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit to do in me what I could not do myself. Maegan knows my best verse is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”…all things has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I’ll be able to share more when I am home, but not one single day could I have made without the empowerment of God’s Spirit…I know that is how we should live all the time—and I am learning. I guess my ADD is so bad that the Lord had to isolate me to teach me that lesson. And of course, I know I’m nowhere near where He wants me to be…but I am pressing toward the mark with a deep deep desire to live deeper and nearer to Him.
Tonight was the conference at the church on the Mount of Olives. A man named Jamison is the pastor of this church—he teaches at the school in the afternoons…and has young people who are here sorta as mission volunteers helping him at the church. I met his wife Kelli tonight—she looks about 20 years old—darling little thing…they have 4 children: 4, 3, 2 and 6 months! YIKES! They've been here for 10 years.
The conference is called Restoration Workshop—done by a group from Atlanta. We had a little spiral book—and listened to a lady and 2 other ladies and prayed and sang. Then we went upstairs for break and ate.
The food! Oh, it is so yummy—it was falafel—they have platters of stuff that you put on a pita—and he had cauliflower that had been smothered in olive oil, I think…or something…it was delicious. The whole meal was just great...
BIG NEWS…the check point is gone and we can just zoom out as fast as we want with no waiting 20-30 minutes in line to be stopped at the check point and all of our passports reviewed…and they took down this huge cement wall that separated everything on the other side from us…it is just amazing. I’m not doing a good description…but literally they put a wall up and separated a road…so the stuff on the other side we had never seen.
They also said that the Israelis would come now and fix the roads…huge holes and terrible ruts…in paving. They said one day they looked out and this man and his sons were fixing the road—and then they looked and they had placed an old bathtub over the wet cement to keep someone from driving on it…
Now all that is good for us, but the truth is the West Bank Wall closing is hard on these families—it separates them completely. I’ve heard some really sad stories…especially involving kids and their families.
Tomorrow is my first big adventure into the city by myself! I am meeting the ladies from FBC Houston—friend of sister Sue…I’ll let you know how lost I get!
Thank you for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School.
Thursday—thank you Lord! We get a day off! I could really get used to days off...that is my favorite thing here.
I heard something interesting tonight…Because of visa issues, we are needing teachers to come for March, April, May…so tonight Wilma told me that Ross will pay for the flight and provide housing if someone feels led to come teach for these last three months. We need a 4th grade teacher—and of course, there might be other spots also. Marge teaches 4th grade, and we know they are leaving because of the visa denial. Actually, they are leaving February 28, so that is how soon that teacher spot is open.
I am in the country with a tourist visa—which is good for 3 months. I came in January—will go home in March—then return for part of March, April, May, until June 6.
I am passing this on by means of the blog—I have no idea who reads it—but DO NOT even give the idea of coming to Jerusalem to teach one single thought without much much much prayer. I am completely convinced—and was before I ever left—that for this season (?) of my life, this is where I am supposed to be. And believe me, the Lord has been faithful and present with me—in a way I’ve never known before. It has been a real struggle to stay focused on the day, to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit to do in me what I could not do myself. Maegan knows my best verse is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”…all things has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I’ll be able to share more when I am home, but not one single day could I have made without the empowerment of God’s Spirit…I know that is how we should live all the time—and I am learning. I guess my ADD is so bad that the Lord had to isolate me to teach me that lesson. And of course, I know I’m nowhere near where He wants me to be…but I am pressing toward the mark with a deep deep desire to live deeper and nearer to Him.
Tonight was the conference at the church on the Mount of Olives. A man named Jamison is the pastor of this church—he teaches at the school in the afternoons…and has young people who are here sorta as mission volunteers helping him at the church. I met his wife Kelli tonight—she looks about 20 years old—darling little thing…they have 4 children: 4, 3, 2 and 6 months! YIKES! They've been here for 10 years.
The conference is called Restoration Workshop—done by a group from Atlanta. We had a little spiral book—and listened to a lady and 2 other ladies and prayed and sang. Then we went upstairs for break and ate.
The food! Oh, it is so yummy—it was falafel—they have platters of stuff that you put on a pita—and he had cauliflower that had been smothered in olive oil, I think…or something…it was delicious. The whole meal was just great...
BIG NEWS…the check point is gone and we can just zoom out as fast as we want with no waiting 20-30 minutes in line to be stopped at the check point and all of our passports reviewed…and they took down this huge cement wall that separated everything on the other side from us…it is just amazing. I’m not doing a good description…but literally they put a wall up and separated a road…so the stuff on the other side we had never seen.
They also said that the Israelis would come now and fix the roads…huge holes and terrible ruts…in paving. They said one day they looked out and this man and his sons were fixing the road—and then they looked and they had placed an old bathtub over the wet cement to keep someone from driving on it…
Now all that is good for us, but the truth is the West Bank Wall closing is hard on these families—it separates them completely. I’ve heard some really sad stories…especially involving kids and their families.
Tomorrow is my first big adventure into the city by myself! I am meeting the ladies from FBC Houston—friend of sister Sue…I’ll let you know how lost I get!
Thank you for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and Jerusalem School.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
FEBRUARY 18, 2009
School for 3 days—and tomorrow is Thursday and we have no school on Friday! How wonderful is that! I like it! Saturday is a short day, so I am liking the day on Friday.
Unbeknownst to me, my blackberry quit receiving/sending messages Monday night—so I didn’t have one message all day yesterday—and I was really wallowing in self –pity. I thought, yep, they have forgotten me! But last night Melissa helped me figure out what to do—and it started working again. Hooray!
Dr. Theo, his wife Marge and their granddaughter Tameka (whom they raise) are having to leave the country Feb. 28—they learned this yesterday—so they have 10 days to pack and leave. Their visas were denied. They have been in missions all their lives, and have no home to go to. Sarah (Scott-my principal’s wife) is their daughter—and she said they received numerous emails yesterday afternoon offering them places to stay—so they are going somewhere in the states and get Tameka enrolled in school for the rest of the year.
My roommate Joy is going home March 31 for the same reason—visa denied. And Erin, who lives across the hall with Wilma, is having the same problem and may have to go home also.
The school needs teachers so badly. Today Kristen and Erin were sick—and Mr. Mustafa had an emergency and had to leave—there are no substitutes, so we all just cover classes or Shane takes them. Makes such a hardship on everyone…and the kids don’t get the instruction they need.
This morning I broke the coffee pot, so after school Wilma and I ventured out to find one. We were blessed to get the last one on the shelf at THE HAPPY FAMILY store…THEN…we went to George’s—to eat. We had a huge Greek salad (delicious) and a huge serving of the best Lasagne I’ve ever eaten. It had seasonings I didn’t recognize—except it had a bit of cinnamon, I think. Anyway, we brought home enough for tomorrow night, so I’m a happy person.
Tonight is Bible Study, and it is almost time to go…it is daylight longer here, so that is good. Also they are knocking down the wall in our neighborhood—soon there will be no checkpoint—and all that cement stuff will be gone. That is good for us. But they closed the West Bank Wall—and we lost one teacher who cannot come in now—a first grade teacher. Also several of our students have difficulty now getting to school.
I ask that you please pray—for my family, for Jerusalem School and for all the happenings around us. Thanks for your interest and prayers and emails. I love them!
School for 3 days—and tomorrow is Thursday and we have no school on Friday! How wonderful is that! I like it! Saturday is a short day, so I am liking the day on Friday.
Unbeknownst to me, my blackberry quit receiving/sending messages Monday night—so I didn’t have one message all day yesterday—and I was really wallowing in self –pity. I thought, yep, they have forgotten me! But last night Melissa helped me figure out what to do—and it started working again. Hooray!
Dr. Theo, his wife Marge and their granddaughter Tameka (whom they raise) are having to leave the country Feb. 28—they learned this yesterday—so they have 10 days to pack and leave. Their visas were denied. They have been in missions all their lives, and have no home to go to. Sarah (Scott-my principal’s wife) is their daughter—and she said they received numerous emails yesterday afternoon offering them places to stay—so they are going somewhere in the states and get Tameka enrolled in school for the rest of the year.
My roommate Joy is going home March 31 for the same reason—visa denied. And Erin, who lives across the hall with Wilma, is having the same problem and may have to go home also.
The school needs teachers so badly. Today Kristen and Erin were sick—and Mr. Mustafa had an emergency and had to leave—there are no substitutes, so we all just cover classes or Shane takes them. Makes such a hardship on everyone…and the kids don’t get the instruction they need.
This morning I broke the coffee pot, so after school Wilma and I ventured out to find one. We were blessed to get the last one on the shelf at THE HAPPY FAMILY store…THEN…we went to George’s—to eat. We had a huge Greek salad (delicious) and a huge serving of the best Lasagne I’ve ever eaten. It had seasonings I didn’t recognize—except it had a bit of cinnamon, I think. Anyway, we brought home enough for tomorrow night, so I’m a happy person.
Tonight is Bible Study, and it is almost time to go…it is daylight longer here, so that is good. Also they are knocking down the wall in our neighborhood—soon there will be no checkpoint—and all that cement stuff will be gone. That is good for us. But they closed the West Bank Wall—and we lost one teacher who cannot come in now—a first grade teacher. Also several of our students have difficulty now getting to school.
I ask that you please pray—for my family, for Jerusalem School and for all the happenings around us. Thanks for your interest and prayers and emails. I love them!
Monday, February 16, 2009
In the picture you see Kristen, Sarah (Scott), Bethany and Trish..we are exploring in the Old City.
FEBRUARY 16, 2009
Saturday—the Valentine party…actually was a dance…they had a big room,, strobe lights and loud loud loud music! I went because I had told Shane I would come, but I didn’t stay very long. They put on some Palestinian music, and a couple of boys were doing some kind of Palestinian dance…so much to the embarrassment of my girls, I jigged around a little with them…it was sorta like a round country-western dance.
After church, seven of us went in to Aroma’s and had coffee and cookies…it was such fun…
Then Sunday morning I went with the young girls—Kristin, Trish, Bethany and Sarah (Scott—Shane’s wife—he kept their little 3 year old to give her a day out). We had breakfast in the German Colony—at Talbagels…it was simply delicious and so enjoyable to just sit around and enjoy the food and the conversation. Then we strolled and went in the little shops for a while before going to the Old City. We took a tour of The Herodian Quarter—the Wohl Museum of Archeology. It is underneath—all these excavations that are just amazing. The compound consists of six houses, built on a hillside overlooking the Temple Mount (over 2000 years ago). The exhibit itself concentrates on 3 of those houses…in the Herodian Period these were home to some of the wealthiest aristocrats in Jerusalem, apparently from the priestly classes. They are designed in Greco-Roman style—there were numerous storage rooms, reservoirs, ritual baths, ovens and beautiful colorful mosaics…on the floor—like we would have an area rug—there are these mosaics. Many luxury items were found there—tableware, etc. I got a picture of the name of one piece: “Megara Ware”! Are you believing it! The picture is on Trish’s camera as I had forgotten my camera…This whole excavation was discovered by archeologists when the Jewish Quarter was rebuilt following the Six Day War…a definite place to visit WHEN YA’LL COME SEE ME!
Then we went to the Wailing Wall—Kristen and Sarah had not been there. That is definitely an experience we will want to have WHEN YA’LL COME VISIT!
We finally made it back home about 5—a lovely day and beautiful weather. I discovered we had hot water, and immediately jumped in for a shower-donned my jams and was ready for the night…UNTIL Wilma came and said she was taking her friend Chrissie to the airport in Tel Aviv—so I decided to go so she wouldn’t have the drive home by herself at 10:00. I just put on jogging clothes over the jams, went with crocs and no make up—and sure enough, I wished I had dressed. We went to Mod-i-in (?) a city between Jerusalem and tel Aviv that 11 years ago was not there—and has grown into a beautiful modern city…with beautiful apartments and high rises. Chrissie said that it is a place where “yuppies” would live—and we went to the mall…super nice…and so different from Jerusalem…everyone was dressed in regular clothes—like American…and the stores were so nice…it is new also…of course, we only just breezed through and got a yogurt/fruit cup…Chrissie bought a purse and then we went by the home of some of Chrissie's close friends (she lived in Mod-i-in for 3 years). These are Jewish believers--so precious...a family of a 17 yr and 10 yr old daughter and 6 month old son...they come to the states at times and travel and talk...they were just so nice. Then we were on our way to Tel Aviv.
Chrissie is leading a tour group—and they came in last night after having a 4 hour delay. the whole tour will culminate with a big banquet--with Arab and Jewish believers--she has a reconciliation ministry--and God is blessing it so much. So we went in to the airport and met this whole group of people—me and my fine-looking self!
Wilma and I buzzed home in the truck and arrived at 11 p.m.! TOO LATE!
Today was a difficult day at school—we had a meeting after school, and it seems there were problems all over the high school. I was looking for the place to turn in my name badge! I would ask that you pray for Jerusalem School—there are some major difficult issues…the heart of the ministry is so wonderful. Just pray the enemy is not able to distort and pervert and create chaos in the midst of all of us.
We also learned that they are definitely moving the checkpoint—which is good for us…it means we are free! They are closing the wall completely—like where I went in to the West Bank with the yearbook girls—that will be closed. The only way to go in and out will be through Kolonidia (???) and it is a maze for people walking—and quite difficult. We have students who will definitely have a much harder time getting to school—and also, there are teachers who live there. So once again, we surely need prayer for all of those people.
I appreciate your love and interest and emails—keep them coming!
FEBRUARY 16, 2009
Saturday—the Valentine party…actually was a dance…they had a big room,, strobe lights and loud loud loud music! I went because I had told Shane I would come, but I didn’t stay very long. They put on some Palestinian music, and a couple of boys were doing some kind of Palestinian dance…so much to the embarrassment of my girls, I jigged around a little with them…it was sorta like a round country-western dance.
After church, seven of us went in to Aroma’s and had coffee and cookies…it was such fun…
Then Sunday morning I went with the young girls—Kristin, Trish, Bethany and Sarah (Scott—Shane’s wife—he kept their little 3 year old to give her a day out). We had breakfast in the German Colony—at Talbagels…it was simply delicious and so enjoyable to just sit around and enjoy the food and the conversation. Then we strolled and went in the little shops for a while before going to the Old City. We took a tour of The Herodian Quarter—the Wohl Museum of Archeology. It is underneath—all these excavations that are just amazing. The compound consists of six houses, built on a hillside overlooking the Temple Mount (over 2000 years ago). The exhibit itself concentrates on 3 of those houses…in the Herodian Period these were home to some of the wealthiest aristocrats in Jerusalem, apparently from the priestly classes. They are designed in Greco-Roman style—there were numerous storage rooms, reservoirs, ritual baths, ovens and beautiful colorful mosaics…on the floor—like we would have an area rug—there are these mosaics. Many luxury items were found there—tableware, etc. I got a picture of the name of one piece: “Megara Ware”! Are you believing it! The picture is on Trish’s camera as I had forgotten my camera…This whole excavation was discovered by archeologists when the Jewish Quarter was rebuilt following the Six Day War…a definite place to visit WHEN YA’LL COME SEE ME!
Then we went to the Wailing Wall—Kristen and Sarah had not been there. That is definitely an experience we will want to have WHEN YA’LL COME VISIT!
We finally made it back home about 5—a lovely day and beautiful weather. I discovered we had hot water, and immediately jumped in for a shower-donned my jams and was ready for the night…UNTIL Wilma came and said she was taking her friend Chrissie to the airport in Tel Aviv—so I decided to go so she wouldn’t have the drive home by herself at 10:00. I just put on jogging clothes over the jams, went with crocs and no make up—and sure enough, I wished I had dressed. We went to Mod-i-in (?) a city between Jerusalem and tel Aviv that 11 years ago was not there—and has grown into a beautiful modern city…with beautiful apartments and high rises. Chrissie said that it is a place where “yuppies” would live—and we went to the mall…super nice…and so different from Jerusalem…everyone was dressed in regular clothes—like American…and the stores were so nice…it is new also…of course, we only just breezed through and got a yogurt/fruit cup…Chrissie bought a purse and then we went by the home of some of Chrissie's close friends (she lived in Mod-i-in for 3 years). These are Jewish believers--so precious...a family of a 17 yr and 10 yr old daughter and 6 month old son...they come to the states at times and travel and talk...they were just so nice. Then we were on our way to Tel Aviv.
Chrissie is leading a tour group—and they came in last night after having a 4 hour delay. the whole tour will culminate with a big banquet--with Arab and Jewish believers--she has a reconciliation ministry--and God is blessing it so much. So we went in to the airport and met this whole group of people—me and my fine-looking self!
Wilma and I buzzed home in the truck and arrived at 11 p.m.! TOO LATE!
Today was a difficult day at school—we had a meeting after school, and it seems there were problems all over the high school. I was looking for the place to turn in my name badge! I would ask that you pray for Jerusalem School—there are some major difficult issues…the heart of the ministry is so wonderful. Just pray the enemy is not able to distort and pervert and create chaos in the midst of all of us.
We also learned that they are definitely moving the checkpoint—which is good for us…it means we are free! They are closing the wall completely—like where I went in to the West Bank with the yearbook girls—that will be closed. The only way to go in and out will be through Kolonidia (???) and it is a maze for people walking—and quite difficult. We have students who will definitely have a much harder time getting to school—and also, there are teachers who live there. So once again, we surely need prayer for all of those people.
I appreciate your love and interest and emails—keep them coming!
Friday, February 13, 2009
FEBRUARY 13, 2009
A great day today—and then three pieces of wonderful real mail! Such joy—some how that is a connection that is just so good. Ronda Guillot sent me the best card—it plays Ghostbusters! Says “Long Slime No See” so cute—and a picture of her precious new grandson…I taught Heather and Tyler, the parents, so that is so special to me. And a real handwritten letter—wow! Then Louise and Delbert sent me a fun note—thanks so much…and Sister Sue sent me a great article…on a man named Jim Stephens who came to the West Bank in 1997 to coach basketball…he lived in Ramallah, which is very close to us. I’m going to take it to school tomorrow to see if anyone knows him.
My friend Wilma (I love her—she is just such fun and has been super sweet to me) and I left about 9:30…rode the Arab bus to the bus station…and had a great, great day. We shopped the little shops—just so interesting..in Ben Yehuda…I found a little gift for Maegan—and a couple of jackets for me…and some gift and house stuff…just an absolutely incredibly beautiful day—sunny and nice…I had to duck in a dressing room and take off my silk Cuddle Duds—too warm! We walked and walked…I wish so much for all of you to be with me on days like this. It is just so beautiful—looking out over the city and looking at the hills and at the Mount of Olives—and all around. We ate at Spagetemes (?) the best meal I’ve had since I’ve been here…just delicious—foccacio bread/w dip; goat cheese in little friend patties; pasta w/mushrooms, chicken in wonderful sauce…in a lovely place…just was wonderful. Then we shopped and walked and picked up some more gifts, etc…We stopped at Aromas and had incredible Aroma coffee/something drink and a scrumptious dessert…just leisure time…sat on the deck and looked at the city. Then we went to the Old City to Jamil for haircuts! I got my money’s worth! It’s a little breezy! I MISS YOU SHELIAH! There are 4-5 people who are working—cutting and blowing dry…walk ins…like us…the door opens onto the walkway and people are passing by and everybody is talking…and the music is Christian. Today I recognized “Crucified…laid behind a stone…” but the words were in Arabic. Jamil showed us these little scrolls he had done—with John 3:16 on them and he’d made an acrostic of Valentines..the scrolls were tied with red ribbon and had a little heart on them…they are going to pass them out at church. Wilma said he and his wife have a big ministry…she was in there too with their two beautiful little boys…and Jamil is just going from chair to chair…cutting and blowdrying…along with 2 other guys and a girl…and maybe someone else…can’t remember…
We were there until about 5—then eventually had to take a taxi back home…we got the Peugot and went to the store and a couple of other stores looking for Valentines—she teaches 4th grade and wanted to give them Valentines. None to be found. So we both got candy for the kids—and she got erasers and pencil sharpeners for her kids.
Tomorrow will be a full day…school until 12:40—then we go to see the printer about the yearbook…then the Valentine Party from 3 to 6…I agreed to go to that. Then we have church at 6…so that will be a fulllllllllll day…hopefully, the party will end early enough for us to go home before church…we’ll see.
I am so very grateful for your prayers. I believe with all my heart that God is answering those prayers about my health. I am so well—a little cough, but not much. And the conditions are not conducive to getting well and staying well! I am very grateful for health, and several of you have mentioned to me in emails that you are praying that I will stay well. Thank you very much…
Sunday I have been invited to go with the young girls…not sure where…but Wilma also said we might ride the train to Tel Aviv…if she does that, I really want to go. I want to learn how to do that. She has told me how I will go about catching the bus to go to the airport when I leave in 3 weeks…and I feel fine doing that…of course, it will be easier the second time! I’m hoping someone will pick me up when I come back March 15 because I will have more luggage.
So many things I am learning about. I want to tell everyone about—hopefully I will remember it all…
Please remember to pray for my family—and for Jerusalem School.
A great day today—and then three pieces of wonderful real mail! Such joy—some how that is a connection that is just so good. Ronda Guillot sent me the best card—it plays Ghostbusters! Says “Long Slime No See” so cute—and a picture of her precious new grandson…I taught Heather and Tyler, the parents, so that is so special to me. And a real handwritten letter—wow! Then Louise and Delbert sent me a fun note—thanks so much…and Sister Sue sent me a great article…on a man named Jim Stephens who came to the West Bank in 1997 to coach basketball…he lived in Ramallah, which is very close to us. I’m going to take it to school tomorrow to see if anyone knows him.
My friend Wilma (I love her—she is just such fun and has been super sweet to me) and I left about 9:30…rode the Arab bus to the bus station…and had a great, great day. We shopped the little shops—just so interesting..in Ben Yehuda…I found a little gift for Maegan—and a couple of jackets for me…and some gift and house stuff…just an absolutely incredibly beautiful day—sunny and nice…I had to duck in a dressing room and take off my silk Cuddle Duds—too warm! We walked and walked…I wish so much for all of you to be with me on days like this. It is just so beautiful—looking out over the city and looking at the hills and at the Mount of Olives—and all around. We ate at Spagetemes (?) the best meal I’ve had since I’ve been here…just delicious—foccacio bread/w dip; goat cheese in little friend patties; pasta w/mushrooms, chicken in wonderful sauce…in a lovely place…just was wonderful. Then we shopped and walked and picked up some more gifts, etc…We stopped at Aromas and had incredible Aroma coffee/something drink and a scrumptious dessert…just leisure time…sat on the deck and looked at the city. Then we went to the Old City to Jamil for haircuts! I got my money’s worth! It’s a little breezy! I MISS YOU SHELIAH! There are 4-5 people who are working—cutting and blowing dry…walk ins…like us…the door opens onto the walkway and people are passing by and everybody is talking…and the music is Christian. Today I recognized “Crucified…laid behind a stone…” but the words were in Arabic. Jamil showed us these little scrolls he had done—with John 3:16 on them and he’d made an acrostic of Valentines..the scrolls were tied with red ribbon and had a little heart on them…they are going to pass them out at church. Wilma said he and his wife have a big ministry…she was in there too with their two beautiful little boys…and Jamil is just going from chair to chair…cutting and blowdrying…along with 2 other guys and a girl…and maybe someone else…can’t remember…
We were there until about 5—then eventually had to take a taxi back home…we got the Peugot and went to the store and a couple of other stores looking for Valentines—she teaches 4th grade and wanted to give them Valentines. None to be found. So we both got candy for the kids—and she got erasers and pencil sharpeners for her kids.
Tomorrow will be a full day…school until 12:40—then we go to see the printer about the yearbook…then the Valentine Party from 3 to 6…I agreed to go to that. Then we have church at 6…so that will be a fulllllllllll day…hopefully, the party will end early enough for us to go home before church…we’ll see.
I am so very grateful for your prayers. I believe with all my heart that God is answering those prayers about my health. I am so well—a little cough, but not much. And the conditions are not conducive to getting well and staying well! I am very grateful for health, and several of you have mentioned to me in emails that you are praying that I will stay well. Thank you very much…
Sunday I have been invited to go with the young girls…not sure where…but Wilma also said we might ride the train to Tel Aviv…if she does that, I really want to go. I want to learn how to do that. She has told me how I will go about catching the bus to go to the airport when I leave in 3 weeks…and I feel fine doing that…of course, it will be easier the second time! I’m hoping someone will pick me up when I come back March 15 because I will have more luggage.
So many things I am learning about. I want to tell everyone about—hopefully I will remember it all…
Please remember to pray for my family—and for Jerusalem School.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
FEBRUARY 12, 2009
Short news day…Everyone says Whew! School on Thursday is like Friday—because we are off on Fridays. We (yearbook staff, Mrs. Maha and I) were supposed to journey to the printer today—but no one called the printer and he wasn’t going to be there. I didn’t know I needed to call—seems like a business would be open? What do I know? So Saturday, we plan to go to the printer.
I wish you could meet the students—today in the junior class we had a wonderful discussion in a round-table format. We had read “Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. They are going to write a paper on a position they have taken in reference to his motivation. It was a great class…the only problem is that it is only 45 minutes long! The 9th graders took a quiz on “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning—and did an excellent job. The 12th graders had a bummer class—we have new computers; their senior page write up is due; we went to the computer lab. PROBLEM: no printers! They are supposed to have jump-drives—USB’s. They did not have them…so by the time we walked down 3 flights of steps to the lab and discovered there was no printer… we had spent most of the class time. So mostly we walked up and down! You know how happy these knees were to do that!
I keep thinking I am getting healthy doing all this walking…and that soon the knees won’t creak and moan as I negotiate those steps—but it hasn’t happened yet.
Erin (who lives across the hall with my friend Wilma that I really really like—they are both from Dalton, GA—and Eric, Erin’s brother, is here too) has a friend visiting…she got in last night…Allie. She lives in Atlanta—and I knew she and Erin both went to Vineyard church in Atlanta. Now there are several Vineyard churches, and they are all huge. So when I met Allie, I asked her if she knows Jared Hamilton (Betty and Harold’s grandson) and SHE DOES! She knows his wife Heather better, but she does know them! Isn’t that just the neatest thing. I couldn’t wait to email Harold and Betty!
Allie is so cute—she heads up the Lazarus ministry in Atlanta that ministers to the homeless. She is so interesting. She said they have a “health fair” the third Sunday in September…and they have all these booths set up—with places to buy medicines, get haircuts and all sorts of things for the homeless.
She, like Erin, Eric, Trish, Bethany, Adam, Kristen, is just so young, intelligent, educated and so so so committed to ministry…wherever the Lord leads. Amazing and encouraging and exciting to me…I love to see all the young people leading out in such wonderful adventures.
Speaking of adventures—have you looked at Darci Simpson’s blog??? WOW! I complained because I don’t have hot water—she doesn’t even have showers some places! WOW—she is really really on a mission…she is so precious. If you don’t have her blog, email the church fbcgroves.org and they will send you her blog address.
Wilma and I made a plan to go to Mamilla Mall tomorrow morning…we’ll ride the bus in to the city—we’ve done this before…I enjoy her so much. She came over to the apartment this afternoon and visited. I got to share my good news about precious Maegan with her and Erin…Melissa emailed us last night that they learned yesterday that Maegan and 5 other students are tied for #1 in their freshman class of 391! Is that just the biggest blessing in the world! I’m so grateful for the incredible gifts God has given that precious child and the way she works and does so many wonderful things. I know ya’ll will rejoice with me and our family in that good news—blessings from the Lord!
Saturday after school is the Valentine party—from 3 to 6…so we’ll see what a party here is like. Should be interesting. These kids are not allowed to date—or to have boyfriend/girlfriends…and they don’t. You never see a boy/girl holding hands or anything that would indicate they were more than just friends. And they seem to just like each other…they laugh and cut up with everyone. Today during the last period—yearbook class—three guys came in—and the kids were so excited to see them…they were hugging and laughing. They had graduated last year and have been in college—two of them have been in Cypress in a university there…and one is in a college in Ramallah. They all act like they are just best friends…and I have yet to see a really angry confrontation between any of them.
Now I was listening to 3 of them talking and asked what they were talking about…they said they were talking about this girl that one of them likes—and I asked who…they told me they don’t tell teachers…because it might be spread and then they might be in trouble! So funny!
At the party, they are going to announce the Superlatives: the ones elected to certain positions…like BEST SMILE…etc…they voted before Christmas, but no one seems to care if they announce it or not…the one at the top was MOST PATRIOTIC…and one of the yearbook girls got that.
Well…as usual, I ramble on and on. Hope all is well with each of you…and thank you again for your interest and prayers. Please continue to pray for my family—and Jerusalem School.
Short news day…Everyone says Whew! School on Thursday is like Friday—because we are off on Fridays. We (yearbook staff, Mrs. Maha and I) were supposed to journey to the printer today—but no one called the printer and he wasn’t going to be there. I didn’t know I needed to call—seems like a business would be open? What do I know? So Saturday, we plan to go to the printer.
I wish you could meet the students—today in the junior class we had a wonderful discussion in a round-table format. We had read “Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. They are going to write a paper on a position they have taken in reference to his motivation. It was a great class…the only problem is that it is only 45 minutes long! The 9th graders took a quiz on “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning—and did an excellent job. The 12th graders had a bummer class—we have new computers; their senior page write up is due; we went to the computer lab. PROBLEM: no printers! They are supposed to have jump-drives—USB’s. They did not have them…so by the time we walked down 3 flights of steps to the lab and discovered there was no printer… we had spent most of the class time. So mostly we walked up and down! You know how happy these knees were to do that!
I keep thinking I am getting healthy doing all this walking…and that soon the knees won’t creak and moan as I negotiate those steps—but it hasn’t happened yet.
Erin (who lives across the hall with my friend Wilma that I really really like—they are both from Dalton, GA—and Eric, Erin’s brother, is here too) has a friend visiting…she got in last night…Allie. She lives in Atlanta—and I knew she and Erin both went to Vineyard church in Atlanta. Now there are several Vineyard churches, and they are all huge. So when I met Allie, I asked her if she knows Jared Hamilton (Betty and Harold’s grandson) and SHE DOES! She knows his wife Heather better, but she does know them! Isn’t that just the neatest thing. I couldn’t wait to email Harold and Betty!
Allie is so cute—she heads up the Lazarus ministry in Atlanta that ministers to the homeless. She is so interesting. She said they have a “health fair” the third Sunday in September…and they have all these booths set up—with places to buy medicines, get haircuts and all sorts of things for the homeless.
She, like Erin, Eric, Trish, Bethany, Adam, Kristen, is just so young, intelligent, educated and so so so committed to ministry…wherever the Lord leads. Amazing and encouraging and exciting to me…I love to see all the young people leading out in such wonderful adventures.
Speaking of adventures—have you looked at Darci Simpson’s blog??? WOW! I complained because I don’t have hot water—she doesn’t even have showers some places! WOW—she is really really on a mission…she is so precious. If you don’t have her blog, email the church fbcgroves.org and they will send you her blog address.
Wilma and I made a plan to go to Mamilla Mall tomorrow morning…we’ll ride the bus in to the city—we’ve done this before…I enjoy her so much. She came over to the apartment this afternoon and visited. I got to share my good news about precious Maegan with her and Erin…Melissa emailed us last night that they learned yesterday that Maegan and 5 other students are tied for #1 in their freshman class of 391! Is that just the biggest blessing in the world! I’m so grateful for the incredible gifts God has given that precious child and the way she works and does so many wonderful things. I know ya’ll will rejoice with me and our family in that good news—blessings from the Lord!
Saturday after school is the Valentine party—from 3 to 6…so we’ll see what a party here is like. Should be interesting. These kids are not allowed to date—or to have boyfriend/girlfriends…and they don’t. You never see a boy/girl holding hands or anything that would indicate they were more than just friends. And they seem to just like each other…they laugh and cut up with everyone. Today during the last period—yearbook class—three guys came in—and the kids were so excited to see them…they were hugging and laughing. They had graduated last year and have been in college—two of them have been in Cypress in a university there…and one is in a college in Ramallah. They all act like they are just best friends…and I have yet to see a really angry confrontation between any of them.
Now I was listening to 3 of them talking and asked what they were talking about…they said they were talking about this girl that one of them likes—and I asked who…they told me they don’t tell teachers…because it might be spread and then they might be in trouble! So funny!
At the party, they are going to announce the Superlatives: the ones elected to certain positions…like BEST SMILE…etc…they voted before Christmas, but no one seems to care if they announce it or not…the one at the top was MOST PATRIOTIC…and one of the yearbook girls got that.
Well…as usual, I ramble on and on. Hope all is well with each of you…and thank you again for your interest and prayers. Please continue to pray for my family—and Jerusalem School.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
FEBRUARY 11, 2009
Well…thanks for all the encouraging comments…it’s late and I’m headed for bed, but after reading the good words, I decided I needed to at least write an update on my latest adventure!
My roommate Elaine was really ill—and so I took her after school to a clinic—we neither one knew for sure where it was…it is called Peace Clinic—so we are driving along, and she sees this Medical clinic on the other side…with Arabic words in front of it…we have no idea what it says, but turn around, she goes in and sure enough: Peace clinic. It is much nicer than the other one—very clean, and has a pharmacy, etc…but very different! She signed up, then she went to the section in the big room beside the Dr. door—and when the person came out, she went in…no nurse, nobody directing patients…except the Dr.! We were there over 2 hours—they did xrays and blood work…and we waited over an hour for the results of the blood work. They told her it was not pneumonia, and she was very relieved. He said it is bronchitis—result of allergies…and gave her meds, etc. The cost was a little over 200 shekels—about $50—for everything—including the medicine. That is why no one pays for medical insurance here…it doesn’t cost very much to have medical treatment…I am praying that I don’t get sick enough to need a Dr…all this makes me a little queasy!
Tomorrow is another adventure…I’m going with the five yearbook girls and Mrs. Maja (head person at school) to the “printer”—who is going to do the yearbooks. He is in Rohm (?)...that will be done during our last period class. So that should be interesting.
Election day yesterday—but who knows what happened? I asked Mr. Jamal (the teacher who brings me the newspapers)…and he explained as best as I can understand that because they have a “united” instead of “separate” government that just because Livni (the woman) won, doesn’t mean she will be Prime Minister. He said the prime Minister is just a minister and has to be selected by the other members (ministers) of Parliament. He said they will all have to form coalitions to gather votes for their prime Minister…I think it means that if we had that kind of government, and a Democrat was elected president, but the Congress was republican…then they would appoint the person they wanted—a republican…anyway…it is still very interesting to watch and read about. I wish I had some of my savvy political friends here to explain it all to me! I’m bringing home newspapers—don’t know if anyone wants to read them or not, but they are so interesting…
I had an email from Bill Dye—just a short little note about his adventures in Tanzania—and he really gave me a timely word. He said he tried really hard to “be all there” while he was there—and focus on the moment. I am really struggling with myself about that…I am blessed and am grateful and still amazed that the Lord would call me to such an experience as this. I am praying that God will continue to teach me and draw me into a deeper relationship with Him—and enable me to focus on the moments here.
Maegan is running in the Nederland Track Meet this week end—surely would like to see her streak across that finish line! But she knows Nan is praying from thousands of miles away—and we’re all cheering for her!
Please pray that He will fulfill His purposes in all of us…thanks so much for your interest and prayers and concern…please continue to pray for my family…and Jerusalem School
Well…thanks for all the encouraging comments…it’s late and I’m headed for bed, but after reading the good words, I decided I needed to at least write an update on my latest adventure!
My roommate Elaine was really ill—and so I took her after school to a clinic—we neither one knew for sure where it was…it is called Peace Clinic—so we are driving along, and she sees this Medical clinic on the other side…with Arabic words in front of it…we have no idea what it says, but turn around, she goes in and sure enough: Peace clinic. It is much nicer than the other one—very clean, and has a pharmacy, etc…but very different! She signed up, then she went to the section in the big room beside the Dr. door—and when the person came out, she went in…no nurse, nobody directing patients…except the Dr.! We were there over 2 hours—they did xrays and blood work…and we waited over an hour for the results of the blood work. They told her it was not pneumonia, and she was very relieved. He said it is bronchitis—result of allergies…and gave her meds, etc. The cost was a little over 200 shekels—about $50—for everything—including the medicine. That is why no one pays for medical insurance here…it doesn’t cost very much to have medical treatment…I am praying that I don’t get sick enough to need a Dr…all this makes me a little queasy!
Tomorrow is another adventure…I’m going with the five yearbook girls and Mrs. Maja (head person at school) to the “printer”—who is going to do the yearbooks. He is in Rohm (?)...that will be done during our last period class. So that should be interesting.
Election day yesterday—but who knows what happened? I asked Mr. Jamal (the teacher who brings me the newspapers)…and he explained as best as I can understand that because they have a “united” instead of “separate” government that just because Livni (the woman) won, doesn’t mean she will be Prime Minister. He said the prime Minister is just a minister and has to be selected by the other members (ministers) of Parliament. He said they will all have to form coalitions to gather votes for their prime Minister…I think it means that if we had that kind of government, and a Democrat was elected president, but the Congress was republican…then they would appoint the person they wanted—a republican…anyway…it is still very interesting to watch and read about. I wish I had some of my savvy political friends here to explain it all to me! I’m bringing home newspapers—don’t know if anyone wants to read them or not, but they are so interesting…
I had an email from Bill Dye—just a short little note about his adventures in Tanzania—and he really gave me a timely word. He said he tried really hard to “be all there” while he was there—and focus on the moment. I am really struggling with myself about that…I am blessed and am grateful and still amazed that the Lord would call me to such an experience as this. I am praying that God will continue to teach me and draw me into a deeper relationship with Him—and enable me to focus on the moments here.
Maegan is running in the Nederland Track Meet this week end—surely would like to see her streak across that finish line! But she knows Nan is praying from thousands of miles away—and we’re all cheering for her!
Please pray that He will fulfill His purposes in all of us…thanks so much for your interest and prayers and concern…please continue to pray for my family…and Jerusalem School
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
FEBRUARY 10, 2009
Well…I almost hesitate to start writing because I write TOO MUCH! My good friend Kenneth told me he isn’t going to read all that…too many words! I agree!
It is cold and raining and was hailing this morning on our way to school. Fortunately, we had the truck last night, so we had to keys to drive to school! The rain really didn’t deter very many students—I don’t think I had any absences at all…they really do have good attendance.
Today after school was my first experience tutoring a student…he is an 8th grader whose parents came to me the night of parent visitation and asked if I would tutor him. He is so cute and just was so full of personality—as I would mention a particular part of speech, he’d say, “Oh yeah …I know all about those…” Too funny…I think Kristen and I are going to try to work together with him.
That made me late, so I didn’t know if I’d be walking home in the blowing rain or not—thank the Lord I didn’t have to! And it was really raining and blowing at the end of the day. Darrell and Eula were still there—Eula plays the keyboard and she was playing so Tameka could practice on the bass guitar. Tameka wants to learn to play, so they were playing in a room down by the offices. Trish (another teacher needing a ride home) and I waited while they played a bit—and I just sat there and wondered once again at Eula and Darrell. Sweet Christian pastor and piano-playing wife—willing to be way out of a comfort zone to minister to whomever needs help. I’ll share more about them when I come home…
We all got home, got in our jams, fixed dinner and are settling in for the night. No adventures today! Weather is not good for traveling…but perfect for snuggling in with a good book or whatever. Joy and Elaine are watching TV; Mary is napping; I’m going to read or something. The big news is the election today in Israel…I’m anxious to see the outcome. I’ve been blessed to have newspapers brought to me…Mr. Jamal brought me today’s paper.
Hope everyone is well…I surely do miss everyone…I enjoy the emails so very much…thanks for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and me and Jerusalem School.
Well…I almost hesitate to start writing because I write TOO MUCH! My good friend Kenneth told me he isn’t going to read all that…too many words! I agree!
It is cold and raining and was hailing this morning on our way to school. Fortunately, we had the truck last night, so we had to keys to drive to school! The rain really didn’t deter very many students—I don’t think I had any absences at all…they really do have good attendance.
Today after school was my first experience tutoring a student…he is an 8th grader whose parents came to me the night of parent visitation and asked if I would tutor him. He is so cute and just was so full of personality—as I would mention a particular part of speech, he’d say, “Oh yeah …I know all about those…” Too funny…I think Kristen and I are going to try to work together with him.
That made me late, so I didn’t know if I’d be walking home in the blowing rain or not—thank the Lord I didn’t have to! And it was really raining and blowing at the end of the day. Darrell and Eula were still there—Eula plays the keyboard and she was playing so Tameka could practice on the bass guitar. Tameka wants to learn to play, so they were playing in a room down by the offices. Trish (another teacher needing a ride home) and I waited while they played a bit—and I just sat there and wondered once again at Eula and Darrell. Sweet Christian pastor and piano-playing wife—willing to be way out of a comfort zone to minister to whomever needs help. I’ll share more about them when I come home…
We all got home, got in our jams, fixed dinner and are settling in for the night. No adventures today! Weather is not good for traveling…but perfect for snuggling in with a good book or whatever. Joy and Elaine are watching TV; Mary is napping; I’m going to read or something. The big news is the election today in Israel…I’m anxious to see the outcome. I’ve been blessed to have newspapers brought to me…Mr. Jamal brought me today’s paper.
Hope everyone is well…I surely do miss everyone…I enjoy the emails so very much…thanks for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and me and Jerusalem School.
Monday, February 9, 2009
FEBRUARY 9, 2009
New adventures today—when I got to school, I was asked to take Eric, one of the young teachers, to the Dr….he is sick…so I took off with Eric to the clinic—same one I had my physical…the Dr. said he has “inner ear” and gave him an injection and meds…then we walked a couple of doors down and got him a sandwich and some candy and stuff. He’s the nicest young man—plays the guitar and leads us in worship—and does that for the church on the Mount of Olives on Sunday mornings.
Every new adventure in the car makes me feel better about venturing out…so tonight, we have the truck. Joy and I want to go eat, so we may just go by ourselves…although she doesn’t really know the way, and I for sure don’t!
School—the high school teachers meet every Monday afternoon and Thursday morning…we have an agenda…and we get news every meeting. There is no PA system in the building—no way to pass on information except by word of mouth or papers delivered to each person.
Melissa made the neatest tee shirts for the yearbook staff—five girls. We are the Jerusalem School Yellow Jackets—our colors are black and gold. So the girls got shirts that are black and have a little yellow jacket logo with their name under it. Then on the back she put Yearbook Staff. They are really nice, and the girls were so pleased with them. Thank you Melissa!
The yearbook…very different…the seniors each get a page. They can write whatever they would like (appropriate) about themselves—sort of a good-bye- message to their families, teachers and friends. Then they can gather a group of pictures for a collage. They actually have 2 pages. So we worked on their stories in class today. They have to have them by Saturday, so I set a deadline for Thursday…remember we don’t have school on Friday.
Today I had duty down by the kindergarten elevators—and asked this young girl for a pass…oops! She’s a teacher! I’m not sure she even understands that that is a compliment! Those little kindergarten children are so absolutely adorable. My roommate Elaine teaches first grade, and she said that very few of her students have all their front teeth…and with those big smiles and big brown eyes and black hair—they are so cute.
We just got home from another adventure. Joy and I were going to eat and invited Kristen…we were just going a little ways to some place called George’s. But just as we were leaving in the truck, Bethany came in and we invited her to go too…she’s a whiz at every place in Jerusalem…her sister and brother-in-law live here…he studies at Hebrew University…so she knows how to go everywhere. Now understand, I am still driving! She directed us and we whizzed across Jerusalem…and ate at Focaccio’s (my 3rd time!) and it was just wonderful. Then they went next door and got coffee at their favorite place and I picked up a newspaper across the street—we zoomed on home. Just amazing that this is really Jerusalem…and I’m just driving all around…not that I would do that by myself.
I wish I could explain everything—the restaurant is on a street that goes down past the place to go in to Ben Yehuda—a wide sort of place with trees in the middle and coffee shops and other shops and people everywhere…all on stone pavements and streets—everything looks old…and most of it is very old…but all buildings are constructed with Jerusalem white stone…there are red tile roofs everywhere, but even in the midst of the city—everything is that white stone. It’s just the most unusual place—maybe I can get pictures that will adequately show what I mean. But I don’t think so…the atmosphere—seems like it’s—I can’t think of words. I’ll think on it and try to come up with better descriptive terms.
I keep thinking about Bro. Joe....several times he said to me about being on a mission and being a missionary, and I corrected him every time saying I'M A TEACHER! ..and I've never even been on a mission trip! Except for the youth one to the Navaho Reservation with Bill Dye in 1988... Bro. Joe is right...this is a mission but I am teaching school! Honestly, I can't think of anyone more unlikely to be a missionary than me...just wondering what will be the outcome. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11—he does have plans for us and they are good plans…even though we may never know His purposes in all the places that He allows us to go and the experiences we have. I just know with all my heart that He is worthy of our trust—more worthy than we can comprehend even in the midst of difficult times. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Be encouraged to continue to trust Him.
All that is good that comes from this experience the glory goes to God the Father and Jesus the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please continue to pray—tomorrow is election day in Israel. Thank you for your prayers for my family—please continue to pray for us and for Jerusalem School.
Love you
New adventures today—when I got to school, I was asked to take Eric, one of the young teachers, to the Dr….he is sick…so I took off with Eric to the clinic—same one I had my physical…the Dr. said he has “inner ear” and gave him an injection and meds…then we walked a couple of doors down and got him a sandwich and some candy and stuff. He’s the nicest young man—plays the guitar and leads us in worship—and does that for the church on the Mount of Olives on Sunday mornings.
Every new adventure in the car makes me feel better about venturing out…so tonight, we have the truck. Joy and I want to go eat, so we may just go by ourselves…although she doesn’t really know the way, and I for sure don’t!
School—the high school teachers meet every Monday afternoon and Thursday morning…we have an agenda…and we get news every meeting. There is no PA system in the building—no way to pass on information except by word of mouth or papers delivered to each person.
Melissa made the neatest tee shirts for the yearbook staff—five girls. We are the Jerusalem School Yellow Jackets—our colors are black and gold. So the girls got shirts that are black and have a little yellow jacket logo with their name under it. Then on the back she put Yearbook Staff. They are really nice, and the girls were so pleased with them. Thank you Melissa!
The yearbook…very different…the seniors each get a page. They can write whatever they would like (appropriate) about themselves—sort of a good-bye- message to their families, teachers and friends. Then they can gather a group of pictures for a collage. They actually have 2 pages. So we worked on their stories in class today. They have to have them by Saturday, so I set a deadline for Thursday…remember we don’t have school on Friday.
Today I had duty down by the kindergarten elevators—and asked this young girl for a pass…oops! She’s a teacher! I’m not sure she even understands that that is a compliment! Those little kindergarten children are so absolutely adorable. My roommate Elaine teaches first grade, and she said that very few of her students have all their front teeth…and with those big smiles and big brown eyes and black hair—they are so cute.
We just got home from another adventure. Joy and I were going to eat and invited Kristen…we were just going a little ways to some place called George’s. But just as we were leaving in the truck, Bethany came in and we invited her to go too…she’s a whiz at every place in Jerusalem…her sister and brother-in-law live here…he studies at Hebrew University…so she knows how to go everywhere. Now understand, I am still driving! She directed us and we whizzed across Jerusalem…and ate at Focaccio’s (my 3rd time!) and it was just wonderful. Then they went next door and got coffee at their favorite place and I picked up a newspaper across the street—we zoomed on home. Just amazing that this is really Jerusalem…and I’m just driving all around…not that I would do that by myself.
I wish I could explain everything—the restaurant is on a street that goes down past the place to go in to Ben Yehuda—a wide sort of place with trees in the middle and coffee shops and other shops and people everywhere…all on stone pavements and streets—everything looks old…and most of it is very old…but all buildings are constructed with Jerusalem white stone…there are red tile roofs everywhere, but even in the midst of the city—everything is that white stone. It’s just the most unusual place—maybe I can get pictures that will adequately show what I mean. But I don’t think so…the atmosphere—seems like it’s—I can’t think of words. I’ll think on it and try to come up with better descriptive terms.
I keep thinking about Bro. Joe....several times he said to me about being on a mission and being a missionary, and I corrected him every time saying I'M A TEACHER! ..and I've never even been on a mission trip! Except for the youth one to the Navaho Reservation with Bill Dye in 1988... Bro. Joe is right...this is a mission but I am teaching school! Honestly, I can't think of anyone more unlikely to be a missionary than me...just wondering what will be the outcome. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11—he does have plans for us and they are good plans…even though we may never know His purposes in all the places that He allows us to go and the experiences we have. I just know with all my heart that He is worthy of our trust—more worthy than we can comprehend even in the midst of difficult times. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Be encouraged to continue to trust Him.
All that is good that comes from this experience the glory goes to God the Father and Jesus the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please continue to pray—tomorrow is election day in Israel. Thank you for your prayers for my family—please continue to pray for us and for Jerusalem School.
Love you
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Internet man came...put us in a new "box" and we hopefully will be on line for good! I surely do hope so...I was blessed to be able to talk to Maegan and Melissa on Skype...my roommate Mary gave me a headset, and I could hear them like they were in the next room! Isn't that just amazing...Port Neches to Jerusalem!
Thanks again for your prayers and interest and ask that you continue to pray for my family and friends...and for Jerusalem School...
love you
Thanks again for your prayers and interest and ask that you continue to pray for my family and friends...and for Jerusalem School...
love you
FEBRUARY 9, 2009
I forgot to mention the excitement in the apartment Thursday night—I GOT A PACKAGE! It was such fun—Sheliah and Dee (and the guys) sent me a goodie box! It had two canisters of chips—sour cream and plain; Hot Tamale candies, TWO boxes of Joe’s favorite: popcorn w/caramel and nuts; 3 packages of gum; some wonderful handcream and a bar of the best, most luxurious soap—it was so great…we shared the popcorn and chips…and I enjoyed the soap today. THEN this afternoon I got a text from Adam that I had some mail! He is supposed to bring it by this evening—so I am so excited about that!
Our internet guy is also supposed to show up this evening…we’ll see…
None of my plans for this Sunday worked out—Elaine and I were going to go to a Baptist Church in Jerusalem, but she didn’t feel well this morning. So only Joy went to church—she goes to Christ Church (Anglican) in the Old City and has for a good while. This is her 3rd year to be here—and her visa was denied, so she is going home March 31. She lives in Virginia. Mary is leaving early also—she is getting married and is leaving for home May 15…so by the end of the year, only Elaine and I will be here in this four-bedroom apartment. Elaine is planning to stay until July 4—then she is going to Sweden to spend some time with her sons—one in Sweden and the other in Germany. But she will only be gone about a month, and she plans to return here to teach. But her visa expires in October, so that may present a problem.
So today I’ve done some cleaning and reading—but eventually, I was HUNGRY! That is a problem…no place to go and no way to go…so Elaine and I got dressed, walked down the hill to the bus stop—past the checkpoint and rode the bus to a café behind Jafars (our grocery store). The café is called Goodies—and it is a bit similar to a McDonald’s—I had a Palestinian hamburger and it was delicious—Swiss cheese, grilled onion
s and all…French fries like McDonald’s…a nice meal. I took a picture of the neighborhood while we were in there…and sent it to Melissa—hopefully, she can put it on the blog.
I forgot to mention the excitement in the apartment Thursday night—I GOT A PACKAGE! It was such fun—Sheliah and Dee (and the guys) sent me a goodie box! It had two canisters of chips—sour cream and plain; Hot Tamale candies, TWO boxes of Joe’s favorite: popcorn w/caramel and nuts; 3 packages of gum; some wonderful handcream and a bar of the best, most luxurious soap—it was so great…we shared the popcorn and chips…and I enjoyed the soap today. THEN this afternoon I got a text from Adam that I had some mail! He is supposed to bring it by this evening—so I am so excited about that!
Our internet guy is also supposed to show up this evening…we’ll see…
None of my plans for this Sunday worked out—Elaine and I were going to go to a Baptist Church in Jerusalem, but she didn’t feel well this morning. So only Joy went to church—she goes to Christ Church (Anglican) in the Old City and has for a good while. This is her 3rd year to be here—and her visa was denied, so she is going home March 31. She lives in Virginia. Mary is leaving early also—she is getting married and is leaving for home May 15…so by the end of the year, only Elaine and I will be here in this four-bedroom apartment. Elaine is planning to stay until July 4—then she is going to Sweden to spend some time with her sons—one in Sweden and the other in Germany. But she will only be gone about a month, and she plans to return here to teach. But her visa expires in October, so that may present a problem.
So today I’ve done some cleaning and reading—but eventually, I was HUNGRY! That is a problem…no place to go and no way to go…so Elaine and I got dressed, walked down the hill to the bus stop—past the checkpoint and rode the bus to a café behind Jafars (our grocery store). The café is called Goodies—and it is a bit similar to a McDonald’s—I had a Palestinian hamburger and it was delicious—Swiss cheese, grilled onion

Then we went by Jafars for a few things, walked across the street to the chicken place, picked up chicken for Mary and waited for the bus. We had just gotten on, when we were stopped by a roadblock of IDF officers in a van. They came on the bus and collected passports (not mine nor Elaine’s) and got off…the bus had to pull over and wait…and wait…and wait…then they stopped another bus, so the drivers chatted while we waited. No big deal to us—we were in no hurry, had no one waiting on us, nothing to do, no meal to prepare for a family, or job to get to…but the other people on the bus most likely did. Once again, I could see the anger and resentment in their faces—old men and old women, young men and teen agers—so helpless to do anything except hand them the passport and wait. OF COURSE, I understand why they are doing it. I just can see that the relational aspects of the divisiveness are greater than mere words can describe.
Finally, they gave us their passports—walked to the driver and handed all of them to him…so each one had to come forward and get his…then we moved on. The bus we were on goes past the checkpoint, so he dropped us off and we trudged and trudged and trudged…we walked further to avoid the smoke and smell of a burning dumpster. MERCY…all this walking is killing me! Actually, I think it is doing just the opposite—I know it is good for me. I just like to fuss about it.
ALSO…I had heard about this movie “Slumdog Millionaire” set in India that is out now—the girls across the hall went last week to see it. So I was very very surprised today as I was leaving Jafars to see it ON THE SHELF FOR SALE! The guy told us the other day that they also have “Marley and Me”—amazing.
Thanks again for your interest and prayers—please continue to pray for my family and for us here at Jerusalem School. I miss all of you so much…Harold had written an email—and mentioned how great things are at church—and how grateful he is to be a part of the fellowship at FBC Groves—and I agree—and I miss all that so very, very much. We have a loving, wonderful group of people at FBC who love the Lord and love one another—I miss you and especially my precious SS class ladies…I look forward to seeing everyone—if not in March, in June…I know that is a short time, but right now it seems a long time away!
Love you
Saturday, February 7, 2009
FEBRUARY 7, 2009
Thursday evening I began to feel rather ill…my head was stuffy and my throat really hurt. My friend Wilma (across the hall) has a mini-med mart of stuff from the states—she had Alkaseltzer+ and Chloroseptic…so I doctored…still pretty stuffy Friday, but I was not going to let illness steal a day from me…Kristen and I had I made big plans…we were going to take a taxi to Jerusalem Mall and shop and eat and maybe even see a movie…things didn’t exactly pan out that way—but God did bless us with some memories!
She lives in the apartment building across the road from me, so we met outside and started down the road—the weather was nice and we were enjoying our walk. Suddenly, Kristen was tumbling down the road—over and over…she slipped on a rock (there are an abundance of those protruding out of the road) and just fell and fell. When I got to her, she had the wind knocked out of her—she was able to dust herself off and check for broken bones and get up. She has a sore shoulder, knee and some gravel burns, but otherwise, she survived the fall.
My roommate Joy gave me the phone number of the taxi she uses—so when we got just past the checkpoint at the top of the hill (as opposed to the one at the bottom where all the cars are) we called—and in just a few minutes, this car drove up. He did not speak English; he had no idea where Jerusalem Mall was; he had to call someone and let me explain to them where we wanted to go. We got in the car anyway. That was a mistake. He took off—and as we passed Highway 1—Kristen said, “I think that is the way to the mall.” But she wasn’t sure, and I was completely lost…so we rode on. We were in the taxi over an hour—it takes less than 15 minutes to get to the mall…he stopped every other car and asked for directions—they kept saying, “Yah-Yah—that way…” and we drove in circles. We went through the section called the German Colony—it looked so interesting—lots of people and shops and coffee places and unique buildings…but we were ensconced in the back seat of this taxi—that honestly hadn’t been cleaned since it came out of the factory. Finally, we rounded a bend and he said, “Aha—and something else in Arabic.” He started laughing; Kristen started laughing, so I just joined the crazy crowd and laughed too. Then he pulled up in the parking lot (that was mostly empty) to this huge stadium—we said, “NO—this is not it…it is over there!” FINALLY, we got to the mall at 12:20.
We enjoyed the stores and shopped and ate—and then we went into Office Depot. We both bought school supplies—and as we left, they were shutting the metal gates—it was 2:30, and the mall was CLOSING…Shabbat (Sabbath) …every store in the mall closes at 3:00—so we had to make haste and try to find our way out of the huge place before they banged the doors down on us. People were scurrying everywhere—lots and lots of Jewish people were buying food at specialty shops and people were buying fresh flowers, etc. It seemed almost like a holiday atmosphere—but much more hurried and bustling about. It was the most amazing thing…I was just mesmerized by all the activity—hurrying and hustling for a day of rest!
We scurried up the escalator to the entrance where our taxi driver had FINALLY let us out (only 2 ½ hours earlier)…only to discover that we had to go down 2 levels to catch a taxi…so once again through the bustling crowds to the escalator and finally got to the outside entrance to see rows and rows of taxis—I was reminded of Maegan and I in London—help help—we need a taxi! So we walked up to the first one available and told him we were going to Beit Hanini—and he said NO—he wouldn’t take us there. So we asked what to do and he motioned to an outside row of drivers—so we went to one on the outside row—and he said NO…a little disconcerting for us! I’m thinking we may need to call one of our teacher friends—who might have keys to one of our two vehicles who might be home to come rescue us! Isn’t that just amazing that they refused us a ride! We are obviously two American women with shopping bags—but they would not take us to Beit Hanini—and in truth, we don’t even live there—we live even closer to the West Bank Wall and Ramallah—which we didn’t tell either of them.
We went to another one, and he agreed, but said it would be 60 shekels—way too expensive…and then before we got in, we explained that we really needed to be dropped off at the checkpoint at Dahalia—he almost didn’t go, but said, “Oh well…it will be more expensive…” But he did take us to the checkpoint, we got out and trudged up the SERIOUS HILL…and I dare any of you to think it isn’t serious. Even my San Francisco girl would agree that it is a serious hill. We had all of our bags—so we had to take a few rests on the way up. We arrived safely home full of laughter about the one-hour taxi ride! An all-day adventure for 2 ½ hours of shopping!
School today—and it went well—we have only six periods on Saturday—no electives…and we mostly give quizzes on Saturday. So it was an easy, pleasant day.
We had the 3rd session of the Beth Moore Bible Study—about 6 or 7 ladies—all Americans…but it was so so good. However, my head and throat were not feeling well at all…so I decided I would take the truck to the pharmacy and get some medicine. This was about 2:30—so when I called Adam to check about the truck, he said he needed it at 3, so could I go in the Peugeo…I said ok, even though I knew I could go to the pharmacy in 30 minutes—it’s closer than my house to Bruce’s.
My first time to drive the Peugeo…5-speed gear shift…so I took off…got in a long line for the check point at 2:40—and for at least 15 minutes, we did not move…of course, I wasn’t in a rush, but those people around me were…it really is so very frustrating for them…they all start holding down on their horns, which someone said tonight, “The IDF officers just slow down even more when they hear all that horn racket…” I don’t know if that’s true or not, or if there was a problem, or maybe it was SHIFT CHANGE TIME! You know—like in the hospitals when they change shifts, you can’t find a nurse for anything! Who knows—but I was in line for 35 minutes…my leg was numb holding down on the clutch!
Finally got to the pharmacy, parked (almost on the sidewalk—they do that all he time) and went in. The lady was really nice and helped me stock up on some lozenges, contact solution, etc…When I left, I stopped at the chicken place and picked up 3 chicken breasts for my roommates…scurried home, ate, took some medicine and went to sleep.
I woke up and felt pretty good, so I went with the group to church. I sat there during “church” just wishing I had a camera—and then I realized I had a PEN—even better for me…so I wrote all I was seeing and experiencing…and am going to share it with you.
We are at Dr. Theo and Marge’s home—very large, nice apartment…they are life-long missionaries…have pastored or been on the mission field all their lives. He is actually a medical doctor, but he is the elementary principal at Jerusalem School…their daughter is Sarah (absolutely beautiful girl), the wife of Shane, my principal. Dr. Theo and Marge are having visa problems, and may have to leave in March—as is my roommate Joy (another story for later).
We all gather in the living room and Eric brings his guitar and we sing praise songs for a while…and as we were singing, I was writing this descriptive piece…
“here I sit at ‘church’…on the sofa are Adam, Bethany (precious young couple who met here and date) and Katie and Austin…and they are all four just singing praises to God—and loving Him with heartfelt expressions on their faces…then in the corner is handsome Eric standing leading us with his guitar—he’s a wonderful worship leader…singing and praising…and on the loveseat beside him are Frosty (a teacher at the Bethlehem School) and Joy—two older saints and they are just rocking with the joy of the love of God in their hearts—praising God…then on the chair is Darrell—so kind and gentle—the pastor/leader—next to him is Amy, a new person who is just quietly reflecting as we are singing…then beside her is Garrett—fairly new believer with his eyes closed just singing and praising. Beside him is Marge—another older saint worshiping and singing—she has given her life to others—has no material possessions—then next to her is Sarah, sweet, tall, thin teacher Miss Sarah—faithfully singing from the depths of her heart—very unassuming person…then on around on another sofa is Trish—young teacher who is serving God with complete abandonment of any material gain…beside her is Tameka—14 year old granddaughter of Dr. Theo/Marge whose mother is serving in Iraq. Beside her is Mary, my roommate, who is always befriending someone in need—she is worshiping in song—then in the corner rocker is Kristen singing with such a beautiful sweet voice—behind the sofa sits sweet Saint Eula—Darrells’s wife—the most giving, helpful, kind person—she’s quiet in her worship. Beside her sits Theo—Marge’s husband—with his head in his hand—so tired every night—beside Dr. Theo is Elaine, my roommate who is quiet in her worship—even as the music goes on…and beside her sits Shane, my principal…he is so tired, his back is hurting, head is hurting and he has a full day tomorrow with our students—they are going to AIS (American International School) to play in an all day basketball/soccer event…then sits me…I am so amazed to be included in this wonderfully diverse group of genuine servants of God—to the world this gathering would look like nothing…but in the eyes of the Lord, His children are gathered around a simple room singing and worshiping and praising Him with our whole hearts.”
Remember when we studied Job, we saw that Satan believes that no one serves God except for what he gets from Him…well, I can tell you that as I looked around that room and saw the expressions of love and worship and felt the Spirit of God bring peace to our hearts, I wanted to shout like Debbie Lawson did, “Go God!” This is what He wants from us—genuine, heart-felt worship… and what do we get? Huge blessings of peace and a certain sense of His presence and joy and contentment deep in our hearts that no one or no thing could ever provide. I am so blessed to be on the fringes of such a group of God.
Just for clarity, we all have feet of clay—and there are all sorts of inter-personal problems…we are just people…but I’m seeing a different kind of commitment to the Lord from these people. And it is really inspirational to me…I just want to pass it on!
ONE big disappointment…Mary, Bethany, Trish and I were supposed to go to the spa at the Dead Sea…for the day tomorrow…but they decided tonight that we will plan to go next Sunday…Trish didn’t feel well, Mary has a bad headache, and Bethany had many things to do…and oh yes, I’m sorta sick! So I may go with Elaine in to Jerusalem to a Baptist Church that she attends sometimes on Sunday…not to worry…I’m NOT getting in a taxi with a driver that does not know where he is going! Or I may stay home and rest, grade and recuperate…I’ll let you know
Thanks for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and their needs—and for Jerusalem School and all the needs here.
Love you
Thursday evening I began to feel rather ill…my head was stuffy and my throat really hurt. My friend Wilma (across the hall) has a mini-med mart of stuff from the states—she had Alkaseltzer+ and Chloroseptic…so I doctored…still pretty stuffy Friday, but I was not going to let illness steal a day from me…Kristen and I had I made big plans…we were going to take a taxi to Jerusalem Mall and shop and eat and maybe even see a movie…things didn’t exactly pan out that way—but God did bless us with some memories!
She lives in the apartment building across the road from me, so we met outside and started down the road—the weather was nice and we were enjoying our walk. Suddenly, Kristen was tumbling down the road—over and over…she slipped on a rock (there are an abundance of those protruding out of the road) and just fell and fell. When I got to her, she had the wind knocked out of her—she was able to dust herself off and check for broken bones and get up. She has a sore shoulder, knee and some gravel burns, but otherwise, she survived the fall.
My roommate Joy gave me the phone number of the taxi she uses—so when we got just past the checkpoint at the top of the hill (as opposed to the one at the bottom where all the cars are) we called—and in just a few minutes, this car drove up. He did not speak English; he had no idea where Jerusalem Mall was; he had to call someone and let me explain to them where we wanted to go. We got in the car anyway. That was a mistake. He took off—and as we passed Highway 1—Kristen said, “I think that is the way to the mall.” But she wasn’t sure, and I was completely lost…so we rode on. We were in the taxi over an hour—it takes less than 15 minutes to get to the mall…he stopped every other car and asked for directions—they kept saying, “Yah-Yah—that way…” and we drove in circles. We went through the section called the German Colony—it looked so interesting—lots of people and shops and coffee places and unique buildings…but we were ensconced in the back seat of this taxi—that honestly hadn’t been cleaned since it came out of the factory. Finally, we rounded a bend and he said, “Aha—and something else in Arabic.” He started laughing; Kristen started laughing, so I just joined the crazy crowd and laughed too. Then he pulled up in the parking lot (that was mostly empty) to this huge stadium—we said, “NO—this is not it…it is over there!” FINALLY, we got to the mall at 12:20.
We enjoyed the stores and shopped and ate—and then we went into Office Depot. We both bought school supplies—and as we left, they were shutting the metal gates—it was 2:30, and the mall was CLOSING…Shabbat (Sabbath) …every store in the mall closes at 3:00—so we had to make haste and try to find our way out of the huge place before they banged the doors down on us. People were scurrying everywhere—lots and lots of Jewish people were buying food at specialty shops and people were buying fresh flowers, etc. It seemed almost like a holiday atmosphere—but much more hurried and bustling about. It was the most amazing thing…I was just mesmerized by all the activity—hurrying and hustling for a day of rest!
We scurried up the escalator to the entrance where our taxi driver had FINALLY let us out (only 2 ½ hours earlier)…only to discover that we had to go down 2 levels to catch a taxi…so once again through the bustling crowds to the escalator and finally got to the outside entrance to see rows and rows of taxis—I was reminded of Maegan and I in London—help help—we need a taxi! So we walked up to the first one available and told him we were going to Beit Hanini—and he said NO—he wouldn’t take us there. So we asked what to do and he motioned to an outside row of drivers—so we went to one on the outside row—and he said NO…a little disconcerting for us! I’m thinking we may need to call one of our teacher friends—who might have keys to one of our two vehicles who might be home to come rescue us! Isn’t that just amazing that they refused us a ride! We are obviously two American women with shopping bags—but they would not take us to Beit Hanini—and in truth, we don’t even live there—we live even closer to the West Bank Wall and Ramallah—which we didn’t tell either of them.
We went to another one, and he agreed, but said it would be 60 shekels—way too expensive…and then before we got in, we explained that we really needed to be dropped off at the checkpoint at Dahalia—he almost didn’t go, but said, “Oh well…it will be more expensive…” But he did take us to the checkpoint, we got out and trudged up the SERIOUS HILL…and I dare any of you to think it isn’t serious. Even my San Francisco girl would agree that it is a serious hill. We had all of our bags—so we had to take a few rests on the way up. We arrived safely home full of laughter about the one-hour taxi ride! An all-day adventure for 2 ½ hours of shopping!
School today—and it went well—we have only six periods on Saturday—no electives…and we mostly give quizzes on Saturday. So it was an easy, pleasant day.
We had the 3rd session of the Beth Moore Bible Study—about 6 or 7 ladies—all Americans…but it was so so good. However, my head and throat were not feeling well at all…so I decided I would take the truck to the pharmacy and get some medicine. This was about 2:30—so when I called Adam to check about the truck, he said he needed it at 3, so could I go in the Peugeo…I said ok, even though I knew I could go to the pharmacy in 30 minutes—it’s closer than my house to Bruce’s.
My first time to drive the Peugeo…5-speed gear shift…so I took off…got in a long line for the check point at 2:40—and for at least 15 minutes, we did not move…of course, I wasn’t in a rush, but those people around me were…it really is so very frustrating for them…they all start holding down on their horns, which someone said tonight, “The IDF officers just slow down even more when they hear all that horn racket…” I don’t know if that’s true or not, or if there was a problem, or maybe it was SHIFT CHANGE TIME! You know—like in the hospitals when they change shifts, you can’t find a nurse for anything! Who knows—but I was in line for 35 minutes…my leg was numb holding down on the clutch!
Finally got to the pharmacy, parked (almost on the sidewalk—they do that all he time) and went in. The lady was really nice and helped me stock up on some lozenges, contact solution, etc…When I left, I stopped at the chicken place and picked up 3 chicken breasts for my roommates…scurried home, ate, took some medicine and went to sleep.
I woke up and felt pretty good, so I went with the group to church. I sat there during “church” just wishing I had a camera—and then I realized I had a PEN—even better for me…so I wrote all I was seeing and experiencing…and am going to share it with you.
We are at Dr. Theo and Marge’s home—very large, nice apartment…they are life-long missionaries…have pastored or been on the mission field all their lives. He is actually a medical doctor, but he is the elementary principal at Jerusalem School…their daughter is Sarah (absolutely beautiful girl), the wife of Shane, my principal. Dr. Theo and Marge are having visa problems, and may have to leave in March—as is my roommate Joy (another story for later).
We all gather in the living room and Eric brings his guitar and we sing praise songs for a while…and as we were singing, I was writing this descriptive piece…
“here I sit at ‘church’…on the sofa are Adam, Bethany (precious young couple who met here and date) and Katie and Austin…and they are all four just singing praises to God—and loving Him with heartfelt expressions on their faces…then in the corner is handsome Eric standing leading us with his guitar—he’s a wonderful worship leader…singing and praising…and on the loveseat beside him are Frosty (a teacher at the Bethlehem School) and Joy—two older saints and they are just rocking with the joy of the love of God in their hearts—praising God…then on the chair is Darrell—so kind and gentle—the pastor/leader—next to him is Amy, a new person who is just quietly reflecting as we are singing…then beside her is Garrett—fairly new believer with his eyes closed just singing and praising. Beside him is Marge—another older saint worshiping and singing—she has given her life to others—has no material possessions—then next to her is Sarah, sweet, tall, thin teacher Miss Sarah—faithfully singing from the depths of her heart—very unassuming person…then on around on another sofa is Trish—young teacher who is serving God with complete abandonment of any material gain…beside her is Tameka—14 year old granddaughter of Dr. Theo/Marge whose mother is serving in Iraq. Beside her is Mary, my roommate, who is always befriending someone in need—she is worshiping in song—then in the corner rocker is Kristen singing with such a beautiful sweet voice—behind the sofa sits sweet Saint Eula—Darrells’s wife—the most giving, helpful, kind person—she’s quiet in her worship. Beside her sits Theo—Marge’s husband—with his head in his hand—so tired every night—beside Dr. Theo is Elaine, my roommate who is quiet in her worship—even as the music goes on…and beside her sits Shane, my principal…he is so tired, his back is hurting, head is hurting and he has a full day tomorrow with our students—they are going to AIS (American International School) to play in an all day basketball/soccer event…then sits me…I am so amazed to be included in this wonderfully diverse group of genuine servants of God—to the world this gathering would look like nothing…but in the eyes of the Lord, His children are gathered around a simple room singing and worshiping and praising Him with our whole hearts.”
Remember when we studied Job, we saw that Satan believes that no one serves God except for what he gets from Him…well, I can tell you that as I looked around that room and saw the expressions of love and worship and felt the Spirit of God bring peace to our hearts, I wanted to shout like Debbie Lawson did, “Go God!” This is what He wants from us—genuine, heart-felt worship… and what do we get? Huge blessings of peace and a certain sense of His presence and joy and contentment deep in our hearts that no one or no thing could ever provide. I am so blessed to be on the fringes of such a group of God.
Just for clarity, we all have feet of clay—and there are all sorts of inter-personal problems…we are just people…but I’m seeing a different kind of commitment to the Lord from these people. And it is really inspirational to me…I just want to pass it on!
ONE big disappointment…Mary, Bethany, Trish and I were supposed to go to the spa at the Dead Sea…for the day tomorrow…but they decided tonight that we will plan to go next Sunday…Trish didn’t feel well, Mary has a bad headache, and Bethany had many things to do…and oh yes, I’m sorta sick! So I may go with Elaine in to Jerusalem to a Baptist Church that she attends sometimes on Sunday…not to worry…I’m NOT getting in a taxi with a driver that does not know where he is going! Or I may stay home and rest, grade and recuperate…I’ll let you know
Thanks for your prayers and interest…please continue to pray for my family and their needs—and for Jerusalem School and all the needs here.
Love you
Thursday, February 5, 2009
FEBRUARY 5, 2009 Life is different…to say the least…in this beautiful city…today we had parent teacher conferences. The parents were to call the school and schedule a time from 3 to 7 p.m. So we have been at school since 7:30 this morning…with only cookies and snacks! My friend Kenneth would never have gone for that! Got to have some sustenance! I had seven or eight parents…all very nice…of course, I haven’t issued any grades yet. So it may be a different story when that happens. They were all so nice—and so interested in their children doing the right thing and being polite, etc. When I was finished, I got a ride home with Darrell—and he took Austin and Katie to their apartment also. They are the newest couple from the states here to work with these kids—and something else. I think I’ve told you that I am working with Austin quite a bit—he has a degree in computer engineering and is teaching English 11B (that is juniors) So he is in new territory…just the nicest young man…they have been in Jordan for the last year working with ministries there to teach English as a second language. I am so amazed every day at the things people do just because they love the Lord and are willing to get out of their comfort zones and STAY out! The staying part is beyond my understanding! But I am definitely out of my comfort zone! That “no tissue in the toilet” rule is # one on my list! And walking and climbing stairs—and we clean our own rooms at school—sweep, empty the trash and rearrange the desks! Not that it is any big deal—just so different! I think of Delores Green so much—and all those ladies at the HS who were always walking around cleaning and picking up…no such thing here! I was able to get on Skype this evening and called Sandra and Melissa and Lois—it is so wonderful to hear voices! The disconnection from everything familiar is difficult! Melissa is so sick with the flu—says she may go to school tomorrow—I hope she stays in bed and gets well!!! Four of my students are going to some kind of conference in Jerusalem…I’m not sure exactly what it is because I can’t understand what they are saying—but they will stay in the city until Tuesday…and attend lectures by people from all over the world. They are very bright and so interested in learning everything. The father of one of the boys came tonight and we had a really good visit—he has two older children—one daughter is in her last year in college at San Francisco State…then she wants to stay in the states and get her MBA. His son is in medical school in Romania…and this son wants to go to Berkeley. That is so interesting to me… I am blessed to be here teaching and getting to know these people. But I am really being blessed to be able to help some of the younger teachers…my experience having student teachers is really helping. Trish and Kristen are teaching middle school English—and Trish is a math teacher and Kristen is a history teacher—and both have limited experience—so we’re having fun creating lesson plans and doing handouts for their kids. Tonight Trish sent the parents of one of her 8th graders to me to ask for tutoring…so I’m supposed to meet with him on Tuesday and Thursday for one hour after school…that will be interesting. I am not sure I can do that for very long. By the end of the day WITH ALL THOSE STAIRS I am pretty done in. I just keep wishing you could see everything…the school, the neighborhood, the children, the life…I had a conference with the mother of one of my senior boys. She was telling me what an enjoyable young man he is, and I agree. I told her I had seen him all the time with his little brother in hand after school…and I see a lot of that…big teen age boys holding their little siblings’ hands and walking and laughing with them. Their families are really close…and important to them. So many fathers were there tonight—of course moms too…but mostly it was fathers or both parents. Tomorrow Kristen and I have plans…we are going to call a taxi and go to Jerusalem Mall…we are going to eat and maybe see a movie…and of course, might do a little shopping. She and her roommates (Trish and Bethany) were supposed to go to IKEA—which is near Tel Aviv, but the other two decided they didn’t want to go. And I wanted to go to the mall…when I say I need some things, usually I mean I want some things…NOT SO! I need some things…so hope that all works out…we don’t either one know where it is exactly. My roommate Joy has a number she calls for a taxi—now we hope the driver will be willing to come get us at the check point—and then hopefully speak enough English to get us there…and then we have to get back! And before dark…so it will be an adventure. School on Saturday…and the ladies Beth Moore Bible study afterwards…and then church Saturday night. I think I told you I didn’t get my visa—no big deal. Since I am planning to come home anyway…I can go out and come back in. Ross said the laws change and no one knows—a new law went into effect in January…affecting volunteers. He will appeal, but it may not work. We still don’t have our internet—we all are hoping he will come soon…we get on out in our little laundry room—that is cold and small…but worth it! So I’m going to post this little bit of news and get off the internet. I wrote some of you last night about a friend of Mary’s. She is a teacher in Bethlehem school. Mary received an email from her Tuesday night and said, “she was in England—had to leave unexpectedly to attend a conference…and she had left her purse w/money, passport, phone, etc. in it in a cab. And asked her to please wire her some money to this address at a hotel in England.” And it was the friend’s email address…but Mary thought it seemed strange—so she tried calling her. Sure enough she is in Bethlehem…someone has hacked into her email and sent that email to everyone on her email list! So if you get a plea for money from me…send it to 2816 Delta! I appreciate all the emails and prayers and interest in this adventure the Lord has led me on. Please pray for my girls—Melissa, Maegan and Holly—and my family and us here…we truly need prayer to fulfill the purpose for which God has called us. Beth
Sunday, February 1, 2009
February 1, 2009
FEBRUARY 1, 2009 The train trip to Tel Aviv did not work out. Wilma called early and said she was not well…and neither was Mary…so that was all fine with me. I was a bit uneasy about going anyway—I don’t have my passport because Ross took it to get my visa…I will have it back in the morning. So everything worked out just fine. I have enjoyed a wonderful day at the apartment. Elaine and Joy went in to the city to church—they attended Christ Church which meets at the Old City. Joy goes there almost every Sunday—and really loves it. She was talking this afternoon about the community she feels there—that when they tell her they will pray for her, she feels they are so sincere. Elaine goes with her sometimes, but she also attends a Baptist church in Jerusalem somewhere. I want to go with them one Sunday. Mary and I have been home the entire day…it is cold and raining off and on. I went up to the roof to rescue my laundry I had put on the line up there Thursday afternoon…it was soaking wet and the jeans were blown off and covered with little white soot stuff from the stucco…I think I’ll just use the dry racks we have on our “verandah”—where we hang other things…at least until the weather is better. I am sitting here in my room looking out over the mountains that surround us—with buildings everywhere. It is so beautiful…and has such an aura about it—I really do love it. I wish so much for others to experience the life here. I keep thinking of the words Jesus spoke about the city, “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered your children together even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not!” He loves us still just that much…amazing grace. I received a package today! Big event! I was so thrilled…the first days I was here, I dreamed day and night about that wonderful furry robe I have at home that was hanging on the knob in my bathroom…I could picture it and feel how warm it is…of course, I seldom wear it in Port Arthur, but I wanted it so badly here! So Melissa mailed it and a new set of Cuddle Duds and the charger to her camera…and it got here today! The box was in perfect condition and all was in there. I am so very grateful…and have had the robe on constantly! Sometimes we have hot water for showers, but mostly not…and if we turn the switch on for the hot water (which I did early this morning), we lose electricity and have to go down to the basement and flip the breaker! So my shower this afternoon was a bit chilly! Nonetheless, the big green Gap furry robe is here! Thank you Lord! Tomorrow we start a new semester—so that should be interesting. I am anxious to get on with the classes…I’ll be blogging again later in the week. I do hope and pray each of you are doing well…please please send the emails…I love hearing the news about your lives and your families… Love you…Beth
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